2.8 Billion People Have Never Heard the Word of God...
In many places around the world, people have never heard the Bible in their own language. With your help, audio Bibles will be sent to give them the gift of God's Word, providing them with the encouragement, hope, and joy that comes through knowing the gospel and spending time in the Bible! With the gift of audio Bibles, they will have the Word of God to guide them, encourage them, and point them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
These audio Bibles make it possible for those who cannot read, or do not have a Bible in their language, to hear God's Word. Your gifts enable people to meet around God's Word in a variety of ways including weekly groups, which can be started with just one Audio Proclaimer and grow into local churches. In fact, Faith Comes by Hearing shared with us how, in the country of Myanmar, one Audio Proclaimer reached over 10,000 people. Through these listening groups, people are beginning a relationship with God every day. We realize that everyone can not physically go and take God's Word to those who need to hear, but through giving you can join us and help those who need Him most, to know Jesus.

"I need more Audio Bibles. Can you provide me more Proclaimers?"
A Cambodian woman came to faith in Christ because of a missionary from a church plating ministry. This woman believes in Jesus, however, is uneducated and illiterate, which makes it hard for her to grow because she does not have a Bible nor a way to comprehend what it says. Our partners came into relationship with this church planting ministry and provided Audio Proclaimers, and this woman received one.
She listened to God's Word and was changed by it.
Shortly after receiving the Proclaimer, she lost both of her young daughters to a sickness plaguing her island. And yet she had a sense of peace and joy, mysterious to her community. This created a movement of people coming to hear God's Word.
Soon she had 20+ listening groups, but needed more Proclaimers. As more Proclaimers were provided, more listening groups were formed equalling over 400 listening groups containing 40 people each

Watch the Story of Mark, a Latin American boy transformed by God's Word.
Mark, a boy about 8 years old, had been abandoned on the streets. He survived because an orphanage picked him up off the streets, brought him in, clothed him, fed him. After awhile, though, the orphanage claimed that Mark was "just too damaged" which led to behavior such as defecation in corners and even trying to kill a couple of kids.
This continued until Mark experienced the Word of God through an Audio Proclaimer. The orphanage even reported that he sleeps with the Proclaimer, it has changed him enough that he has been able to stay at the orphanage.
What Happens When I Give?
Step One: Recording

Recordings are made of reliable translations of God's Word in the languages of the world in collaboration with heart-language speakers and have initiated Oral Bible Translation projects.
Step Two: Provide

Bible recordings are freely provided to communities around the world that equip local believers to host Audio Bible listening programs.
Step Three: Partner

Partnerships with like-minded ministries enable us to share God's Word and engage the last, least, and forgotten like never before.
"If you are who you say you are, the son of God, I hear you heal…heal my daughter"
This man is married with a young daughter, who was severely disabled since birth. She was partially paralyzed, blind, and could not walk or talk. They were very poor and were not able to afford the best healthcare. Some time passed, and his daughter became increasingly sick. They rushed her to the doctor where they were informed that there was nothing they could do for her, her lungs were filling with fluid and soon she would die. The doctor's only recommendation was taking her home, making her comfortable, and holding her until she passed.


Micro SD cards are small memory devices that are loaded with the Word of God translated into the needed language, and provided to a pastor or a Christian worker overseas. When these micro SD cards are inserted into mobile phones, people can hear the Word of God in their own language. Because of their size, it is easy for micro SD cards to be passed from person to person. Several people are often impacted by hearing the audio Bible that was loaded onto just one micro SD card. Many people are hearing the Bible in their heart language for the very first time.
BibleSticks are personal digital players that are battery-powered and come loaded with an audio Bible. BibleSticks are approved for military use, distributed by US military chaplains, and are provided for the men and women in our armed forces in English and Spanish. Other BibleSticks are sent to refugee camps to be given to people that are desolate, hurting, and in need of the truth of God's Word in their language. Whether these BibleSticks are being used on the front lines of battle or in the midst of a crowded refugee camp, they offer hope and light in a place that would otherwise be dark, through the power of God's Word.

The Proclaimer is a solar-powered digital player, preloaded with an audio Bible in the local heart language, and is designed for the sole purpose of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to the nations. Used in church services, villages, and listening groups around the world, the Proclaimer provides thousands of hours of Bible listening, discussion, and discipleship, allowing people to become saturated with God's Word and learn what it is to follow Jesus with the Holy Spirit's guidance.
Providing three different audio Bible devices, the audio Bible bundle gives the gift of 3 SD cards, 3 BibleSticks, and an audio Proclaimer. The SD Cards can be placed in phones (without internet access) so people can hear God's Word in their heart language. BibleSticks are used by soldiers in the field to listen to God's Word, and are also widely used in refugee camps, allowing people to hear the gospel in their own language, often passing them from person to person. Audio Proclaimers are designed to be heard by larger groups of people, allowing entire communities to gather and listen to God's Word.

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In partnership with Faith Comes by Hearing
Bring God's Word to the world
When you give to God's Word to the World, you are not only providing the resources for The John Ankerberg Show and Faith Comes By Hearing to provide God's Word but also helping us increase awareness that there are still 1 Billion people who do not have access to God's Word in a format they can understand and engage with.
From The John Ankerberg Show,
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