Are the Genesis Creation Days 24 Hours or Long Periods of Time? – Prg 5 MP3 Audio Download
Does the Bible teach that the universe had an absolute beginning brought about by God? Why are the Big Bang and other astronomical evidences the death of biological evolution? Did Moses use the Hebrew word — yom– day to refer to three different lengths of time? Why are the words evening and morning, not used when the seventh day is mentioned? Is it because the seventh day has not ended? If Hebrews 4: 9 says God’s Sabbath rest still continues, does that mean the seventh day is a long period of time? Does Exodus 20: 9 indicate that the creation days were 24 hours long? According to the Bible, what events happened on the sixth day that suggest it was longer than a 24-hour day? Before Adam sinned, was there any death in the plant and animal world? Could God say that his creation was very good if plants and animals experienced death before Adam sinned? Was there carnivorous behavior before Adam sinned or did God create all animals vegetarian?