JA Show Staff

The Christian’s Most Powerful Weapon

By JA Show Staff / May 29, 2018

With the continuing moral and spiritual deterioration of our culture, as evidenced by the increasing raunchiness of movies and television programs, we, as Christians, are increas­ingly having to ask ourselves,…

5 Biblical Encouragements for Memorial Day

By JA Show Staff / May 23, 2018

While many celebrate Memorial Day weekend with barbeques or swimming, the origin of the American holiday holds a special meaning. Memorial Day became an official national holiday in 1971, though…

Is the 70th Anniversary of Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy?

By JA Show Staff / May 18, 2018

This week, Israel celebrates the 70thyear of its rebirth as a modern nation. On May 14, 2018, the exact date of Israel’s return as a nation, the United States opened…

The Rapture: Determining Which Position is Right and Which is Wrong

By JA Show Staff / March 1, 2017

Sometimes you read something by a pre-tribulationist and you say, “That really sounds convincing.” Then you pick up something by a mid-tribulationist and you say, “Well, that sounds good, too.”…

Prayer: A Long Walk with God

By JA Show Staff / May 3, 2016

Cathy Sims shares from her personal experience of prayer. We don’t have to always pray long prayers or follow a specific pattern for prayer. If you are not in the…

How and Why We Need to Pray

By JA Show Staff / May 3, 2016

Why is it important for Christians to pray? Cathy Sims shares from her personal experience of prayer. I am often asked, “Since God knows everything, why should we pray?” Do you…

The Value of a Godly Heritage

By JA Show Staff / May 2, 2016

As we approach Mother’s Day again this year, I am reminded of the godly heritage I was privileged to grow up in. As a little girl I grew up on…

Should Christians Use Marijuana if it is Legal in Their State?

By JA Show Staff / July 29, 2015

It is quite easy for Christians to oppose something when it is illegal. In the past, marijuana usage was illegal across the nation and many Christians argued against the substance on the basis of law. Now the situation has changed. Recreational use of marijuana (as opposed to medical use) is legal in four U.S. states. This shift poses a question for Christians, should we use marijuana if it is legalized in our state?