Does God Exist? If we want to show that God exists and that He is the God of the Bible, then we need to show that all of the things…
The existence of a personal moral God is fundamental to all that Christians believe. If there is no moral God, there is no moral being against whom we have sinned;…
The Book of Revelation By: Dr. Robert Thomas Many Christians are afraid of the book of Revelation, considering it too obscure for the average person. In this article Dr. Robert…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Craig Evans, Dr. Ben Witherington; ©2001 Recently ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and FOX have featured programs about Jesus. Inevitably, two things come up: the only…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Craig Evans, Dr. Ben Witherington; ©2001 Recently ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and FOX have featured programs about Jesus. Inevitably, two things come up: the only…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 Can Near-Death Experiences precipitate the onset of psychic powers and contact with spirit guides? Do NDEs frequently represent an initiation into the…
Previous Article Do Modern Versions Corrupt the Purity of God’s Word? The Deity of Christ In her book, New Age Versions, Gail Riplinger argues that evidence for the “satanic” nature…
Previous Article Were There Heretics and Occultists on the Translation Committees of the New Versions? Proponents of the KJVO, such as G. A. Riplinger, often claim that unbelievers, heretics, occultists…