Beware of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Avoid Being Blindsided by the Glitter of Tinsel Town

By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2002
Christians need to be called to redeem the values of the media, which means, in part, working behind the scenes in Hollywood and helping good movies succeed. So isn’t the addition of a “shepherd of movies” a good thing? Not in this case, says Dr. Baehr.

Beware of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

Christians need to be called to redeem the values of the media, which means, in part, working behind-the-scenes in Hollywood and helping good movies succeed. The Christian Film & Television Commission has done this with many movies, including The Prince of Egypt and The Apostle.

However, now the L.A. Times is trumpeting a so-called “shepherd of movies,” who has been hired by the studios to pull the wool over the eyes of Christian ministers and leaders. Instead of promoting good movies with pro-Christian content, this so-called “shepherd of movies” has promoted movies with occult, pagan, New Age, and other highly objectionable content. What’s worse than so-called “shepherd of movies” leading the sheep to the slaughter is that some of the sheep seem to enjoy being fleeced.

Beware of people who don’t have Christian standards, even if they go to church. Beware of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing and do not be blindsided by the glitter of tinsel town.

On the other hand, the Christian Film & Television Commission is dedicated to solid, biblical, creedal, orthodox Christian theology. In fact, I am on the board of a major Christian theological council and my assistant, Dr. Tom Snyder, has done post-gradu­ate work in Christian history, Christian apologetics and Christian theology at Simon Greenleaf University and at Answers in Action, a national apologetics ministry in South­ern California.

Armed with our theological training, we are the only non-profit advocacy group in Hollywood that represents the concerns of Christians. Furthermore, the Christian Film & Television Commission understands the broad Christian audience. Thus, we have helped to produce and market solid entertainment to parents, children, teenagers, grandparents, and families, and to Christian groups, other religious organizations and civic groups. These niche markets make up the biggest demographic market in the United States, with well over 175 million people. The Christian Film & Television Com­mission and its affiliates, MOVIEGUIDE ® TV, Radio and Magazine, have helped pro­mote successful movies such as The Prince of Egypt, The Apostle, Remember the Titans, Toy Story 2, Monsters, Inc., Forrest Gump and Braveheart by appealing to these niche markets. Major Hollywood studios, includ­ing Disney, Paramount, Universal, and DreamWorks, have consulted us to help them market their morally and spiritually uplifting movies.

In addition, the Christian Film & Television Commission, MOVIEGUIDE® and I have been featured in many major newspapers, including USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the Washington Times, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and the Hollywood Reporter, as well as on the Oprah Winfrey TV Show, Fox News, CNN, Entertainment Tonight, Hannity & Colmes, the Michael Medved Radio Show, and PaxTV, the seventh largest television network—and one of the fastest growing—in the United States. This does not include the many radio and television shows, newspapers and magazines that regularly report on our work or interview me.

Unlike the wolves in sheep’s clothing, the Christian Film & Television Commission is dedicated to redeeming the values of the mass media of entertainment for the benefit of your children and grandchildren by only promoting movies and entertainment that reflect our strict biblical guidelines. MOVIEGUIDE® and the Christian Film & Television Commission are names you can trust. We are here to help you and to support the good, the true and the beautiful in the entertainment media.

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