Apologetics Archive

The Sacrifice of the Mass – Blessing or Bondage?

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2001

By: Mike Gendron; ©2001 Many former Catholics have described their experience of going to weekly Mass as a prison sentence, something they had to do in order to avoid the…

Understanding Islam and Roman Catholicism

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2001

By: Mike Gendron; ©2001 Islam and Roman Catholicism have more in common than you might imagine. Mike Gendron gives examples of where both teach similar things—in direct contradiction to the…

Why Catholics Don’t Understand Sin

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2001

By: McCarthy, James; ©2001 Though many Catholics worry about their sins, few understand the true seriousness of the matter. In this month’s article, Jim McCarthy explains how three practices of…

The Gospel of Jesus Christ and How Man Perverts It

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2001

By: Mike Gendron; ©2001 In September, 2000, Pope John Paul II announced the Roman Catholic Church is necessary for salvation. Three months later he declared: “All the righteous on earth,…

Do You Know Mary?

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2001

By: Carlos Tomas Knott; ©2001 As a special treat this month Carlos Knott, who usually submits in Spanish, has translated one of his articles for us. The Rosary, an important…

Past Popes Taught Destructive Heresies

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2001

By: Mike Gendron; ©2001 Quoting from The Apostolic Digest, Mike Gendron shows how Roman Catholic Popes have offered ways of salvation other than that taught in the Bible. Contents 1…

Roman Authority

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2001

By: James McCarthy; ©2001 Who or what determines what is to be taught in the church and believed by Christians? The Roman Catholic Church answers that God has appointed it…

Purgatory – An Essential Roman Catholic Doctrine

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 25, 2001

By: James McCarthy; ©2001 Do Catholics still believe in Purgatory? Is it an essential or optional part of Roman Catholicism? In this month’s article on Catholicism Jim McCarthy answers these…

The Supernatural Working of God

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 14, 2001

By: Dave Hunt; ©2001 Are miracles something that can be called up at will by Christians with a special anointing? Or are they special events given only by God for…

The Quest for the Historical Jesus

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 31, 2001

By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©2001 For the past several centuries there have been a number of attempts to identify the historical Jesus and differentiate Him from the Christ of faith.…

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