Archive Apologetics

Angels to the Rescue

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 14, 2014

Angels to the Rescue A number of contemporary books recount encouraging and inspiring stories of the holy angels at work in the lives of people throughout history and even today.…

Angels in Roman Catholicism

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 14, 2014

Angels in Roman Catholicism Like most religions,[1] Roman Catholicism has a long tradition of accepting angelic visitations. A common Catholic “prayer to your guardian angel,” which all devout Catholics learn,…

Study of God – Part 5

By The John Ankerberg Show / May 3, 2014

Contents III. The Attributes of God. To answer the question, “What is God like?” the Bible ascribes certain characteristics, or “perfections” to God. These attributes give a reasonable identification of…

Study of God – Part 3

By The John Ankerberg Show / April 27, 2014

Contents IV. Anti-Theistic Theories (con’t) E. Dualism: Two opposing forces; good and evil. Manichaean Dualism: From Manes, a Persian, 215-76 A.D. There are two eternally existing spirits, or gods, one…

How to become a Christian

By The John Ankerberg Show / April 11, 2014

By: ATRI Staff; ©2011 Would you like to know how to become a Christian?   You can receive Christ now by faith through prayer (prayer is talking with God). God…

Study of God – Part 2

By The John Ankerberg Show / January 29, 2014

Contents Value of the Cosmological Argument It argues for the existence of an eternal, necessary Being. It argues for the intelligence and power of this Being. It argues that this…

Study of God – Part 1

By The John Ankerberg Show / January 29, 2014

Contents Introductory (Prolegomena, from pro-lego, “Things said before”) Since “the beginning of understanding rests upon precise definitions,” it is necessary to define what is to be discussed. I.Definitions A. Theology…

Why Christianity?

By The John Ankerberg Show / January 20, 2014

“Every tiny part of us cries out against the idea of dying, and hopes to live forever.” (Ugo Betti in Struggle to Dawn (1949)) The Issue of Truth In our increasingly…

Apologetics – Dr. Thomas Figart/Part 5

By The John Ankerberg Show / November 12, 2013

By: Dr. Thomas Figart; ©{{{copyright}}} Luke 4:1 What does it mean for a Christian to be “filled” with the Holy Spirit? What does that look like in a Christian’s life?…

Apologetics – Dr. Thomas Figart/Part 4

By The John Ankerberg Show / November 12, 2013

By: Dr. Thomas Figart; ©{{{copyright}}} Acts 2:4 Speaking in tongues is a spiritual gift which enables the person to speak in a language unknown to the people present locally. Is…

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