
Your Attitude in Prayer

By R. L. Wilson / January 3, 2024

Luke 18 describes two different people and their approach to God in humility in prayer: “To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told…

The Cost of Prayer

By R. L. Wilson / October 3, 2023

What is the cost of prayer? Just do a Google search on “Verses about prayer,” and you will find commands and promises such as these: It should be clear that…

Does God Listen When We Pray?

By R. L. Wilson / September 19, 2023

Philip Yancey says that “Is God listening” is a common question for a Christian to ask.[1] And it certainly does seem like at times the ceiling is closed to us,…

The Armor of God Part 7 – Pray in the Spirit

By R. L. Wilson / September 12, 2023

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not…

A Mother’s Prayer

By R. L. Wilson / May 10, 2023

No doubt you are familiar with the story of Hannah in the Old Testament. You can read about her in 1 Samuel 1. To summarize the story, Hannah was married…

The Judas Syndrome

By R. L. Wilson / May 1, 2023

John 12 tells us the story of Mary who took a jar of expensive perfume, poured it on Jesus’ feet, then wiped His feet with her hair. It’s a beautiful…

For Thine is the Kingdom

By R. L. Wilson / November 9, 2020

Most commentators suggest that these words were not included in the model prayer given by Jesus and recorded in Matthew 6 and Luke 11. Albert Mohler explains, “As a result of studying ancient manuscripts, scholars now believe with some certainty that these words were probably a later addition to the Lord’s Prayer. Since the Lord’s Prayer seems to end rather abruptly, Christians in the early church added a doxology to the end of the prayer so as to give God the final word of praise in corporate worship settings.”[1]

7 Days of Thanksgiving – Day 1

By R. L. Wilson / November 8, 2020

Day 1 – Psalm 7:17

7 Days of Thanksgiving – Day 2

By R. L. Wilson / November 8, 2020

Day 2 – Psalm 28:6-7

7 Days of Thanksgiving – Day 3

By R. L. Wilson / November 8, 2020

Day 3 – Psalm 30:4-5

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