Science Blog

Jim Virkler draws from science to teach us more about God and how the world around us reveals Him.

Plague, Pestilence, Pandemic, and Immunity

By Jim Virkler / November 2, 2020

Many world residents are immersed in fear during the current coronavirus pandemic. At this writing many European countries are imposing renewed lockdowns. The United States has not imposed national lockdown rules, but local jurisdictions have done so. Spirited discussion has been generated regarding the efficacy of rigidly detailed regulations, social distancing, and on-line learning requirements for our students. In spite of a plethora of detailed rules, observations persist that COVID-19 cases, somewhat slowed, occur notwithstanding our finest medical efforts to control the spread of the novel virus. Public commentators describe it with terms such as plague, pestilence, or pandemic.

Autumn Weather and Wildlife Wonders

By Jim Virkler / October 16, 2020

Autumn provides notable changes as calendar weeks advance. The season is transitional at mid-latitudes. In the Northern Hemisphere, meteorological autumn begins on September 1 and ends on November 30. (In the Southern…

Life on Planet Venus?

By Jim Virkler / October 5, 2020

One popular speculation among ordinary citizens and some science specialists is whether life exists anywhere but Planet Earth. If there is agreement that life may exist elsewhere but Earth, further…

Wildfires–A Planetary Feature

By Jim Virkler / September 19, 2020

Wildfires enable us to gain knowledge of our planet from unique perspectives. Currently one of the largest wildfire episodes in modern history has devastated the US west coast. Upwards of…

Wildfires–A Planetary Feature

By Jim Virkler / September 19, 2020

Wildfires enable us to gain knowledge of our planet from unique perspectives. Currently one of the largest wildfire episodes in modern history has devastated the US west coast. Upwards of…

Concerns of 2020 in Past History

By Jim Virkler / September 6, 2020

Our contemporary national immersion in the COVID-19 pandemic and racism protests calls to mind events in U.S. history. The 2020 pandemic has produced dire effects on world economies. Serious as…

Non-native Species Invasions

By Jim Virkler / August 21, 2020

One of the most challenging scenarios of the invasive species phenomenon in the US is the heroic battle officials are waging to deter the entrance of Asian carp into the…

Invasives, Non-natives, and Ecosystems

By Jim Virkler / August 13, 2020

Published 8-13-2020 The rapid rise of human population has brought with it an explosion of new concerns for humanity. World population first reached one billion in 1804. On a graphic…

Invasive Species Nightmare

By Jim Virkler / August 1, 2020

Published 8-1-2020 While researching the topic of invasive species we may be overcome with the overwhelming complexity of the topic. For the most part ‘invasions’ possess unpleasant overtones. Invasions are usually unwelcome,…

Active Nature Observers

By Jim Virkler / June 29, 2020

Published 6-29-2020 Continuing the topic of nature networking, we dive into a discussion of the inspiration provided by events in our own yard. We have just passed the summer solstice,…

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