Science Blog

Jim Virkler draws from science to teach us more about God and how the world around us reveals Him.

Old- or New-Fashioned Winter?

By Jim Virkler / March 5, 2017

Published 3-5-2017 Climate change is really a metaphor for global warming in today’s conversation. The warming of our planet is perceived by many citizens as undesirable. Many less informed citizens…

Weather or Climate Change?

By Jim Virkler / February 27, 2017

Published 2-27-2017 Weather change or climate change? It may be more appropriate to use weather change more frequently. Climate change is seriously misunderstood, particularly in the last several decades. Climate…

Consciousness in Animals

By Jim Virkler / February 21, 2017

Published 2-21-2017 Human consciousness is on a higher plane than consciousness in animals. Nevertheless, biologists acknowledge that mammals, birds, and perhaps a few lower animals possess the “neurological substrate” to…

Systems Integration

By Jim Virkler / February 16, 2017

Published 2-16-2017 In a healthy person the eleven interconnected biological body systems function normally as a single system. The brain, part of the central nervous system, controls and coordinates the…

Superbowl Control Systems

By Jim Virkler / February 7, 2017

Published 2-7-2017 “Over the years my enjoyment of the game of football has been increasing. This game offers a level of complexity which I had not realized in my earlier…

Consciousness–A Fundamental Property?

By Jim Virkler / February 4, 2017

Published 2-4-2017 Human consciousness is usually not a coffee table topic of conversation. Consciousness is fairly easy to define. Awareness of self and surroundings is a common definition, but the…

Fundamentals of Consciousness

By Jim Virkler / January 31, 2017

Published 1-31-2017 In conversations with our young grandchildren we sometimes observe some surprisingly deep thinking. Several years ago our almost three year old granddaughter, in response to one of our…

Explaining Conscious Thought

By Jim Virkler / January 27, 2017

Published 1-27-2017 What really happens in our brain when we think, desire, create, feel, recall, or decide? One neuroscientist, Paul King, says, “The brain is a multilayered ecosystem of hierarchically…

Brain Power

By Jim Virkler / January 23, 2017

Published 1-23-2017 All human abilities, aptitudes, achievements, talents, and gifts are mediated by the human brain. The primary organ of the central nervous system, the brain is a command and…

Born or Raised, Nature or Nurture?

By Jim Virkler / January 16, 2017

Published 1-16-2017 For centuries there has been a robust discussion concerning the relative importance of nature and nurture with respect to the traits humans develop. Are human traits inherent and…

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