Science Blog

Jim Virkler draws from science to teach us more about God and how the world around us reveals Him.

Science Appreciation for Kids

By Jim Virkler / August 22, 2016

Published 8-22-2016 Endearing photos of grandchildren may now be instantly shared by grandparents hundreds of miles away. Last week we were apprised of the capture of “Cray-Cray,” a two inch…

Science in the City

By Jim Virkler / August 20, 2016

Published 8-20-2016 Approaching New York City by automobile, bus, train, or aircraft we are struck with the architectural engineering technology applied in the city’s physical construction. Most visitors are impacted…

Progress of Millennia

By Jim Virkler / August 15, 2016

Published 8-15-2016 New York City is a mainstay of family vacations to the United States Northeast. This city is unique for its multiple tourist attractions and has been dubbed the…

A Startling Irony

By Jim Virkler / July 31, 2016

Published 7-31-2016 Irony is defined as a state of affairs or an event that seems contrary to what one would expect. Our focus on the proliferation of data and the…

Message of the Medium

By Jim Virkler / July 29, 2016

Published 7-29-2016 Marshall McCluhan (1911-1980) coined a amusing play on the title of his famous best seller, “The Medium Is the Message.” In humor, McCluhan once substituted “massage” for message.…

Creative Coding

By Jim Virkler / July 26, 2016

Published 7-26-2016 The Digital Revolution has the imprint of codes wherever we look. Codes are languages and are evidence that an intelligent agent had substantial input into the digital coding…

GPS and Digital Technology

By Jim Virkler / July 22, 2016

Published 7-22-2016 Many 21st century residents are highly attuned to technology as an instructional tool to plumb previously unknown mysteries of how our God-created world works and how man has…

God’s Positioning System

By Jim Virkler / July 14, 2016

Published 7-14-2016 Our post title is a play on the popular term GPS—Global Positioning System. Summer is the active season for vacations and family reunions, sometimes in distant locales. Travel…

Creation Care

By Jim Virkler / July 5, 2016

Published 7-5-2016 Our Creator has designed a physical world demanding precision fine tuning of hundreds of systems to be comfortably and healthily habitable. These physical systems with all their cosmic…

Forced to Agree

By Jim Virkler / June 30, 2016

Published 6-30-2016 Students of climate science encounter an interesting term—climate forcing. Our earth climate had been “forced” naturally into warmer conditions by increased solar radiation in distant geologic history. In…

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