Science Blog

Jim Virkler draws from science to teach us more about God and how the world around us reveals Him.

Migration Mysteries

By Jim Virkler / September 18, 2015

Published 9-18-2015 Sources of wonder and worship spring from knowledge of mysteries of the distant universe. But lest we overstress the mighty wonders of astronomy discussed in the last few…

Just Right Elements

By Jim Virkler / September 12, 2015

Published 9-12-2015 As we study the history of the universe from its beginning until the present, the word “miracle” or a similar term is sometimes used by materialistic scientists notwithstanding…

Telescopic Macrocosmos

By Jim Virkler / September 7, 2015

Published 9-7-2015 When I taught astronomy I favored the naked eye approach in my classroom. What could be seen with the naked eye? What could we learn by observing and…

Violent Cosmic Crash

By Jim Virkler / August 31, 2015

Published 8-31-2015 We confess to our use of an attention-getting blog title. Instead of “Four Theories of Moon Formation” we believe our chosen title engages readers with the currently best…

Moon Musings

By Jim Virkler / August 26, 2015

Published 8-26-2015 Isaiah refers to bodies in our Solar System when he quotes, “…Thus says the Lord, ‘Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool…For My hand made…

Adapting to Seasons

By Jim Virkler / August 18, 2015

Published 8-18-2015 “Snow birds” describes a population of US northern climate residents who take refuge from cold winters by migrating to the south, perhaps Florida or Arizona, during the harshest…

Seasons by the Stars

By Jim Virkler / August 13, 2015

Published 8-13-2015 Several weeks ago after family members observed the close conjunction of the crescent moon and planet Venus, my 10-year old grandson pleased me by asking if the Summer…

Copernicus Affirmed

By Jim Virkler / August 9, 2015

Published 8-9-2015 Observers on Earth have been examining the skies for thousands of years. Today’s young people are not often challenged to explain the movement of stars, planets, the moon,…

Is Seeing Believing?

By Jim Virkler / August 3, 2015

Publsihed 8-3-2015 In Holy Scripture there are many descriptive passages engendering wonder at the glory of the sun, moon, stars, and planets. Bible authors described what they saw in the…

Movement in the Skies

By Jim Virkler / July 29, 2015

Published 7-29-2015 In our last post we observed that the conjunction of bright Planet Venus with the crescent moon on July 18, 2015 looked like a “Semicolon in the Sky.”…

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