Science Blog

Jim Virkler draws from science to teach us more about God and how the world around us reveals Him.

And There Was Light

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 When we flip on a light switch, wonderful things happen. In a subjective sense, our path is illuminated and objects become visible. But in a scientific…

A Spectrum of Possibilities

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Science terms or definitions are necessary, but knowing a definition and understanding a subject are sometimes not the same. With that disclaimer, I’ll offer this definition…

Timeline Trivia

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 One of my pastimes is personal family genealogical research. I enjoy pinpointing family events and connecting them with people and dates in history. Which family life…

Ubiquitous Radiant Energy

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 “Pulsing through our classroom walls and through your bodies at this very moment are hundreds of different forms of electromagnetic radiation! How are you feeling as…

William Whewell, Polymath

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 One definition of Renaissance man is “one who has a wide range of accomplishments and intellectual interests.” The seldom used term polymath conveys a much stronger…

Bird Exuberance

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Hidden in the verses of Psalm 148 is an unusual directive to sea creatures, all ocean depths, weather phenomena, mountains, trees, and wild animals to “Praise…

Is Intelligent Design Science?

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Would you like to foment a lively discussion? Just ask a few friends if intelligent design (ID) theory is scientific. Probably most creationists would say, “Yes.”…

Issues of Intelligent Design

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 The Intelligent Design (ID) proposal has come under heavy fire ever since it was put forward two decades ago. Supporters of ID claim the features of…

Subdue the Earth

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 In Genesis 1:28, God instructs man to “multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.” Virtually all Bible translations render the identical imperative: subdue the earth.…

Bacon and Galileo

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Those who believe scriptural principles are at odds with science may be unaware of the historic role of Christianity and Christian concepts as they helped promote…

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