Science Blog

Jim Virkler draws from science to teach us more about God and how the world around us reveals Him.

Nature’s Symmetry

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 We referred to the laws of nature in a previous post, somewhat lightly, as “rules of the game.” These laws, or rules, have their basis in…

Physical and Spiritual Laws

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Not surprisingly, theories and laws of science do not rise to the level of curiosity and fascination for most people who are content to defer to…

Changeless Physical Laws

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Our recent posts on physical constants take me back several decades in my teaching career. One summer, after returning from a trip to the western states,…

Scriptural Prescience

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Theologian, author, and publisher Kenneth N. Taylor is well known for producing The Living Bible, a paraphrase/translation. The first installment, Living Letters, appeared in 1962. While…

Physical Constants

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Our last post mentioned “physical constants” as analogues to football’s “rules of the game.” Encyclopedia Britannica defines physical constants as fundamental, invariant quantities observed in nature.…

Rules of the Game

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Over the years my enjoyment of the game of football has been increasing. This game offers a level of complexity which I had not recognized in…

Spurgeon’s Science

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892), the 19th century “Prince of Preachers,” is said to have preached to ten million people, delivered 3600 sermons, and produced 49 volumes…

Knowledge: True Belief

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 One of the most fundamental and controversial topics of our day relates to how we may have knowledge that God exists. Did He create the cosmos…

God’s Voice in Nature

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Two centuries ago, many believed that theology was the “queen of the sciences.” Tacit acceptance of this belief by a substantial segment of the populace began…

Where the Fault Lies

By Jim Virkler / September 29, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 The popular expression “Looking at things from 30,000 feet” implies the handicaps of missing the broad perspective. Another way to express the same thought would be…

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