Science Blog

Jim Virkler draws from science to teach us more about God and how the world around us reveals Him.

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Tell-All?

By Jim Virkler / June 9, 2021

 Current prominent publicity is circulating concerning the upcoming unclassified government release of information on UAPs during the month of June 2021. The subject has at times dominated public conversation for…

God’s Sustainment of Matter and Life

By Jim Virkler / May 27, 2021

When the universe was created, the Bible tells us that God created the heavens and the earth. Much information inheres in that statement. At first, the God-created universe was composed of physical, non–living matter…

Eagle Symbolism

By Jim Virkler / May 14, 2021

 Eagles are highly popular and inspirational. Historically, these animals have been highlighted in art and sculpture by cultures and nations for centuries. Characteristics of eagles are well known—powerful, intelligent, and…

Mankind’s Planet Earth Perspective

By Jim Virkler / May 5, 2021

 Psalm 8 goes beyond devotional significance into the realm of ancient science: “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars, which you have set…

Our Home on Spaceship Earth

By Jim Virkler / April 19, 2021

 In our contemporary time frame we possess abundant knowledge of our home on “Spaceship Earth.” The term derives from a photograph taken by the astronaut crew of Apollo 8 orbiting…

Weather and Climate on a Spherical Earth

By Jim Virkler / April 9, 2021

 Modern residents focus on current weather and contemporary climate trends. Most weather and climate reporters understandably highlight recent events and predict events in the near future. They devote less attention…

Earth’s Dynamic Annual Weather

By Jim Virkler / March 31, 2021

Contemporary websites report a surfeit of detailed information about Earth’s seasonal weather. For residents in middle latitudes, winter inspires some of their most vivid recollections of memorable weather in personal…

Followers of Science

By Jim Virkler / March 20, 2021

 Humans have been discussing science—its meaning, its truth, its application to our lives, and how we have benefited from it for thousands of years. This statement justifiably generates some discussion.…

Follow the Science

By Jim Virkler / March 4, 2021

 One prominent catch phrase of the day is “Follow the Science.” The entreaty appears to be a positive exhortation to embrace the most beneficial solutions for modern society’s problems, numerous…

Earth’s Dynamic Annual Weather

By Jim Virkler / March 1, 2021

 Contemporary websites report a surfeit of detailed information about Earth’s seasonal weather. For residents in middle latitudes, winter inspires some of their most vivid recollections of memorable weather in personal…

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