By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 Apologists for evolution frequently cite examples of microevolution to exemplify their major paradigm of “descent with modification from a common ancestor.” Microevolution involves small scale changes…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 Imagine the following as part of a discussion taking place in a public school biology class: “Each of the eleven major human body systems is so…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 Belief in evolution is strengthened by support from religious authorities, ranging from two recent Roman Catholic popes to an array of mainline protestant clergy. In a…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 Several years ago I initiated written communication with two well-known evolutionary scientists. Much of the discussion centered on the interaction of science and religion. I cannot…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 Stephen Jay Gould, the self proclaimed agnostic who helped construct many support pillars of modern evolutionary science until his death in 2002, is famous for articulating…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 Evolutionists frequently criticize those who believe in supernatural interventions in our natural world for subscribing to the God-of-the-gaps position. Theists are accused of crediting God with…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 Among the many scriptural creation passages other than Genesis 1-2, the Old Testament book of Job contains a majestic epiphany expressing profound perception, sensitivity, and appreciation…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 Evolution’s explanation for life on earth is said to be “good science.” Is this pronouncement sufficient to establish the truth of the tenets of evolution, we…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 Richard Dawkins has achieved fame speculating on the mechanisms of evolution. One of his books a decade ago was “Climbing Mt. Improbable.” The “fact” of evolution…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 Levels of science investigation are threefold. Science may be classified as experimental, observational, or historical. This sounds simple enough, but public confusion about these terms may…