
Types of the Coming Christ: Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament

By R. L. Wilson / September 27, 2024

Throughout the Old Testament we find numerous people, places and things that point us to the Messiah who was to come, and to what He would do for His people.…

The Promise of the Coming Christ: Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament

By R. L. Wilson / September 20, 2024

[This week, talking about the Promise of the Coming Christ, I want to direct your attention to our book Knowing the Truth about Jesus the Messiah[1]. The description in that…

Prophecies of the Coming Christ: Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament

By R. L. Wilson / September 13, 2024

Throughout the Old Testament we find numerous prophecies regarding the coming of the Messiah, the Christ. In fact, biblical scholar and Jewish convert Alfred Edersheim includes a list of 456…

Before the World Began: Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament

By R. L. Wilson / September 6, 2024

“It is a mind-stretching exercise to ponder that before the creation—indeed, before time even began—the three persons of the Trinity enjoyed uninterrupted and blissfully loving fellowship for all eternity.” –…

The Cities of Refuge as a Picture of Christ

By R. L. Wilson / November 29, 2022

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, He was far more than just a Jewish boy born to poor parents in less than auspicious circumstances. He was, as John 1 tells…

Marked as His

By R. L. Wilson / February 2, 2022

In his book A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, Phillip Keller talks about the day he bought the first sheep for his own flock. He recounts how his neighbor handed him a knife and said, “Well, Philip, they’re yours. Now you’ll have to put your mark on them.”[1]

WWJD About Temptation?

By R. L. Wilson / January 18, 2022

Have you ever been tempted to do something wrong? Do you feel in those times like God is testing you? Or maybe you realize your temptation comes because of something…

Rahab | Women in Jesus’ Genealogy

By R. L. Wilson / September 8, 2021

Two men have been sent by Joshua to secretly check out the city of Jericho to get a feel for what the Israelites would face when they got there. Unfortunately, either they weren’t very good at covert operations, or they just stood out as “not one of us,” and the king of Jericho found out about them. He sent soldiers to the house of Rahab, where he had been told the men were staying.

Tamar | Women in Jesus’ Genealogy

By John Ankerberg Show Staff / August 31, 2021

We find the story of Tamar in Genesis 38. As the chapter opens, Jacob’s son Judah has married a Canaanite woman named Bath-shua, with whom he had three sons, Er, Onan and Shelah. Er, the oldest son, married a Canaanite woman named Tamar, but he died before they had any children. Genesis 38:7 explains, “But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death.” The exact nature of his wickedness is not given.

Jesus’ Genealogy in Matthew’s Gospel

By R. L. Wilson / August 24, 2021

Okay, here’s a pretty random thought that’s not connected to anything I’ve written lately, but I’ve had it on my list of potential articles for several months. The question comes…

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