
Hope for Those Who Doubt Their Salvation/Program 1

By The John Ankerberg Show / April 23, 2015

By: Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2003 Why Held in God’s Hands: The Doctrine of Eternal Security. Do We need to be saved again and again? Contents 1 Introduction Introduction Welcome. I…

Hope for Those Who Doubt Their Salvation/Program 3

By The John Ankerberg Show / March 11, 2014

By: Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2003 Why There are still some people who have a tough time in having confidence in their salvation. What do those folks need to do? Contents…

Hope for Those Who Doubt Their Salvation/Program 4

By The John Ankerberg Show / February 27, 2014

By: Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2003 Why Dr. Erwin Lutzer’s personal testimony. Contents 1 Introduction Introduction Welcome. I have just one important question that I want to ask you today. I…

Hope for Those Who Doubt Their Salvation/Program 2

By The John Ankerberg Show / February 27, 2014

By: Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2003 Why How do you overcome those doubts–to be brought to the point where you say, “Yes, I know it’s okay. I’m going to Heaven. Contents…

How Can You Be Sure that You Will Spend Eternity with God?

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 30, 2013

Why is it Important to Be Sure Where You Will Spend Eternity? By: Dr. Erwin Lutzer Why Is it Important to Be Sure Where You Will Spend Eternity? Is the…

Is Jesus Really the Only Way to God/Part 2

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

By: Dr. John Ankerberg with various Scholars; ©{{{copyright}}} Introduction: The God Who Is There. What surprising results do we find when we ask non-Christians about God?   Ed. note: This…

Are Christians Intolerant to Claim Jesus is the Only Way?/Program 3

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Darrell Bock, Dr. William Lane Craig, Dr. Gary Habermas, Dr. N.T. Wright, and Dr. Ben Witherington; ©2001 What is the evidence for the appearances of the risen Jesus…

Is Jesus Really the Only Way to God/Part 11

By The John Ankerberg Show / June 11, 2012

By: Dr. John Ankerberg with various Scholars; ©{{{copyright}}} Helpful Resources for Christian Growth Ed. note: This article is based upon the transcript from programs produced by the John Ankerberg Show.…

Is Jesus Really the Only Way to God/Part 10

By The John Ankerberg Show / June 11, 2012

By: Dr. John Ankerberg with various Scholars; ©{{{copyright}}} If Jesus Is the Only Way to God, How Should You Respond? Ed. note: This article is based upon the transcript from…

Is Jesus Really the Only Way to God/Part 9

By The John Ankerberg Show / June 11, 2012

By: Dr. John Ankerberg with various Scholars; ©{{{copyright}}} Why is the resurrection important to each of us personally? Ed. note: This article is based upon the transcript from programs produced…

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