Worldview & Culture

The Bible has much to say about how we live within our social and cultural environment.

Assessing the Accuracy of Psychics

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / May 1, 2024

What can be make of the accuracy of psychics? Some people have assumed that psychics are incredibly accurate, but this is far from the case. Even psychics themselves admit that…

UFOs and the Occult Connection

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / April 17, 2024

Many UFO sightings can be easily dismissed as mistakenly identified planets, rocket launchings, weather balloons, and various atmospheric phenomena. Sometimes, however, sightings cannot be so easily explained. Indeed, the Air…

UFOs and Hard Evidence

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / April 17, 2024

UFOs are reported to appear seemingly out of nowhere, travel at phenomenal speeds across the sky, turn at impossible angles, and disappear without a trace. Given this, UFOs are scientifically…

UFOs and the Possibility of Life on Other Planets – Part 1

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / April 17, 2024

The question as to whether there is extraterrestrial life in the universe has been debated from the beginning of recorded history. There are even records from the fifth century before…

UFOs and the Possibility of Life on Other Planets – Part 2

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / April 16, 2024

SETI: The Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence SETI stands for “Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence.” This organization seeks to detect evidence of technological civilizations that may exist on planets orbiting other stars.…

Does God Still Speak to Us through Dreams?

By R. L. Wilson / March 19, 2024

There are many examples in Scripture, primarily in the Old Testament, where God has spoken to individuals through dreams. Obvious examples are Joseph (Genesis 37-44) and Daniel (Daniel 2, 7).…

Psalm 25: A Prayer for the New Year

By R. L. Wilson / December 30, 2023

“In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. I trust in you; do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me. No one who hopes…

The Gifts of Christmas

By R. L. Wilson / December 20, 2023

“The giving of gifts is a natural response to Jesus’ stupendous act of self-giving, when he laid aside his glory and was born into the human race.”[1] What is the…

My Response to God’s Gift

By R. L. Wilson / December 13, 2023

It should come as no surprise to you that we at the John Ankerberg Show would focus our attention on God’s incredible gift as described in John 3:16 during this…

THANKSGIVING AS GOD-CENTEREDNESS: How Paul’s use of the term differs from ours today

By Jeff Pallansch / November 21, 2023

The concept of thanksgiving is mentioned 62 times within the New Testament, and intriguingly, over three-quarters of these mentions occur within Paul’s letters. Paul stands out as the only New…

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