Crystals: Decoration or Doorway to the Occult?


As you are walking through the flea market one day, you see a few gorgeous crystals and think to yourself, “Oh, that would be so pretty in my house! I can’t wait to see all the beautiful colors as the sun shines through it,” so you buy it and take it home. 

As it hangs in your window you can’t help but notice how it adds a little sumpin sumpin[1] to the atmosphere of your home, and you wonder why. One day as you are exploring “suncatchers” on your favorite browser you discover that when they are “positioned in places such as entranceways suncatchers can act as protectors against negative and unwanted energy. Bedrooms are another area where you can use them for protection, including protection in dreams, promoting a peaceful sleep.”[2]

Instantly you have gone from a pretty decoration for your home straight into the occult. Danger, Will Robinson![3]

Now, let’s back it up. There is nothing inherently evil in the crystals themselves. They are simply naturally occurring or naturally produced materials that can and do take on many different shapes and colors. In fact, in the book of Revelation we find that the New Heaven and New Earth God creates for us will be filled with crystals of various types. 

You can certainly wear a diamond engagement ring, a birthstone ring, a mother’s ring, etc., without causing harm to yourself. The danger comes when you assign powers or properties to the crystals that are not a part of their inherent nature.

In his article “Can Christians Use Crystals,” Clarence L. Haynes Jr. explains one area where things can go wrong:

“Crystals fall into the category of alternative forms of medicine. People who use crystals do so for their perceived healing properties. They believe crystals can promote healing in your body, soul, and spirit. While there has been no confirmed evidence of this from traditional medicine, there are those who will give credence to their healing abilities.…

“Crystals frequently play a role in various types of religious or spiritual activities. People may use them for meditation, healing, spiritual growth, rituals, spells, and for promoting good energy. Among the groups who may use crystals are those who practice New Age Spirituality, Wicca, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Native Americans.

“Please recognize that none of these groups practice a faith that aligns with Biblical Christianity. So if you think using crystals can help promote ‘good energy,’ then the question you must consider is where is that energy coming from? I can assure you it is not the Holy Spirit,…”[4]

God warns very clearly against becoming involved in any form of occult activity, even something as seemingly innocuous as crystals for healing, or power, or to ward off bad dreams. He says: “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord;…” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12). Although crystals are not mentioned by name here, assigning occult power to them certainly fits within this warning. 

As a believer in Jesus, you have no need for crystals for healing, or to ward off evil. You have the great Healer as your Father; you have the great Creator and Sustainer who always, always has His protective eye on you (e.g., Psalm 139). You are under the care of the Shepherd who provides, protects, leads, guides, and comforts you always! (Psalm 23).

So, enjoy crystals for their beauty, but the minute you cross the line into giving them any sort of power or influence over you, throw them away! Do not even leave them hidden in a drawer. Get them out of your house entirely.

Clarence Haynes concludes his article by saying:

“‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will’ (Romans 12:2).

Wrap up on Crystals

“One thing Christians wrestle with is engaging in things the world engages in. We can easily fall victim to the promotion of practices, especially ones that seem to be helpful. Don’t take the bait. Before you engage in any practice, run it through the sieve of God’s word and the discernment of the Holy Spirit. Our responsibility is not to be like the world or to engage in behaviors like the world does. We are called to be separate and different, which means sometimes we won’t do as everyone else does. “Rather than turning to crystals to relieve stress, anxiety, or to promote healing, what you need is physical rest, time in God’s presence, and time meditating on his word. I am not saying this will solve every physical ailment in your body, but at least you know it will not create a spiritual problem in your life.”[5]

Go Deeper

  1. According to the Urban Dictionary, this refers to something very special. [A note to English readers. These articles are often translated into other languages. I include explanations like this for the translator’s benefit.]
  3. A line from the TV series “Lost in Space,” warning of approaching danger.
  5. Ibid.


  1. Elisabeth Klinger on August 17, 2024 at 12:01 am

    Crystals don’t have anything to do with Buddhism and from my life experience of having been a Buddhist practitioner for a long time, getting into it through high school work – writing a paper on non christian religion in christian teachings, which turned me to my study object Buddhism and my girl friend to Hinduism, I would advise not to use the word “meditation” in connection with christian faith or reading or thinking about the Bible. The word itself can be a power, that calls the wrong type of spirits, whether one is aware of it or not, and calls you to the occult. And meditation is always connected with spirits. So would you like to think about God ‘s word with the power of Satan or would you rather do without?

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