Evolution or Creation?

By: Jim Virkler; ©2012

Every living thing on this earth at this instant has a genealogical history. Scientists recognize a principle termed “causal adequacy.” We might say our immediate parents were the cause of our current existence insofar as they contributed to the entirety of our genealogical makeup. We are linked on the chain of “causal adequacy” back through time.

It is this chain of causes which triggers an ongoing vibrant discussion in our culture. The science community is committed to promoting the cultural view of evolution as an understanding of our origins. Along with this understanding, the evolutionary community proposes that our ancestral line of “causes” may have crossed over into a different species at various points in the very distant past. The continuous chain of links with past organisms becomes very muddled if we trace our human ancestry. We might inquire if the changes demanded a slow conversion from one link to the next? Or at what point, we wonder, does one species transition to a new species? Does this happen within all the specimens of the species? Many similar questions arise. Solid answers to these questions are assigned to the theorists. Adherents of evolution are not much troubled by such details of plausibility.

We could theoretically trace the ancestry of every sub-human species alive today through the “causal adequacy” sequence described above if we had unlimited historical information. There are millions of species extant in our day. There were countless additional millions of species alive in the past ages since the sudden onset of complex life on this planet. In theory, we could write a “causal adequacy” chain of links for every one of today’s species and every one of earth’s past existing species. Is it appropriate to theorize on a genealogical sequence for every species? Does the blur of tangled information ever become more coherent over time as the grand theory of evolution plays out on the stage of plausibility? Does Darwin’s theory of mutation, natural selection, and lots of time generate respect for the credibility of the grand theory of evolution with which our modern scientific culture is enamored?

How could we describe the incredible scenario of this “causal adequacy” series to describe what has happened to generate life on Planet Earth? We could explain it or name it in a variety of different ways. We could portray it as the naturalistic cultural icon of our time. It has virtually captured the heart and soul of not only our bio-science professionals, but a large number of evangelicals who are now staking their claim with a popular cultural icon. Many of our evangelical brethren have found it necessary to seat themselves at the dinner table of scientific credibility. Unfortunately, in the minds of the secular, naturalistic science community, we are not always welcome at the table. The two groups make for strange dinner partners. The evangelical theistic evolutionists are not on the same page with the community of evolutionary bio-scientists who are steeped in their naturalistic philosophy.

We note with increasing sadness that many verses of scripture proclaiming the apparent work of God’s creative power are increasingly ascribed to the figurative, the allegorical, and the metaphorical. The glorious passages such as Genesis 5:1 and Isaiah 45, as well as hundreds of others, are not really descriptors of transcendent miracles, our evolutionist friends instruct us. Rather, they are to be explained as accounts of the evolution of the entire array of earth life. God did it using the processes of random selection, mutations, and lots of time, we are taught. The evidence of multiple sudden proliferations of new species is to be ignored in favor of evolution, one of the foremost cultural icons of our day. That the process of evolution functions as theorized stands as mere wishful thinking weakly supported by the real evidence.

In dozens of posts our blog has repeatedly developed the ideas that creationism is a supernatural process. We have offered evidence in support of our ideas. Human life, and indeed, all of earth life, has its “causal adequacy” chain of links ending in many acts of supernatural creation. The chain of links does not vanish into a hazy, evolutionary morass in the long distant past. Evidence demonstrates human life, as well as the life of every other species, is traceable back to a creation event. Scripture is packed with creation events. The record of nature is the record of many sudden appearances of new life along earth’s historical timeline. The Bible does not describe the actions of God as the observer of the evolution of living things. Instead, Scripture presents our God as the God of creation.


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