Moon Truth

Humanity is fascinated by the Moon and moonlight. We may recall observing the Moon as children and detecting the face of “the Man in the Moon” from its surface features. There are many scriptural references to the Moon by Bible authors who were skilled observers. In our day we still observe the wonders of the Moon from a worship and devotional perspective when we read scripture.

Following are a few descriptive scriptures concerning our lunar companion:

Season marker  (Psalm 104:19)

Ruler of the night  (Genesis 1:16)

Thing of beauty  (Song of Solomon 6:10)

Supplier of glory  (I Corinthians 15:41)

Source of order and power  (Jeremiah 31:35 and 32:17)

Praise giver  (Psalm 148:3)

Splendor provider  (Job 31: 26) 

Study of the cited verses reveals their emphasis on careful observation. These passages were composed centuries prior to the development of modern science. This fact does not signal the Bible is unscientific. Good science depends on accurate observational skills. The Bible does not mention planetary and lunar rotation and revolution or the laws of motion. Scripture however, stresses the order and stability of the world of nature as created by God and praises the majesty and complexity of our physical creation. Modern scientific methods were not codified until centuries after the last verses of the Bible were written. We speak of the Scientific Revolution of the 16th/17th century.  

When the Moon revolves around our earth, our only satellite returns to a generallyin line configuration with the Earth and the Sun every 29 1/2 days. During that time interval the Moon travels a few degrees more than one complete revolution in order to bring the Moon, Earth, and Sun to another in lineconfiguration with Earth in the middle. The Moon is then on the dark side of the earth. Earth residents now enjoy “the lesser light to rule the night” (Genesis 1:16). When our calendars state that on a certain date full moon occurs, the Moon is fully illuminated as seen from Earth. A few days before or after full moon the Moon is only partially illuminated.

The following links discuss more detail on moon phases and stages, and how our lunar companion affects our planet in other significant ways:

Scientific discoveries affirm the orderliness of our universe. Jeremiah 33:25 refers to the Creator’s “…covenant with day and night and the fixed order of heaven and earth…” Our Moon is predictable and orderly in its motions and effects. In a future post we will discuss how Planet Earth would be very different without the Moon as our Solar System companion.

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