Discoveries in the Fossil Record
Dr. John Ankerberg: Dr. Meyer, we’re glad that you are here. And today I want to begin by showing a clip from Illustra Media’s beautiful documentary movie, Darwin’s Dilemma, which gives a quick summary of what scientists have found in the fossil record over the last 150 years. I want you to listen. Narrator: During…
My Refuge and My Fortress
Ever have one of those days, or weeks, or months, or years, when it just seems like nothing is going your way and the bad guys seem to always have the upper hand? We shouldn’t be surprised, because Jesus said it would be like this if we claim to be His followers. The world doesn’t…
A Fresh Look at the Gospel
“Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, 5 to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” (Galatians 1:3-4) In Galatians 1:6-7 the apostle Paul says, “I am astonished that…
The Cambrian Explosion and Intelligent Design – Part 3
Dr. John Ankerberg: In this clip we’re going to show that the body plan for an animal does not reside in DNA. So where is the information of each animal body plan stored, and where did that information come from? Folks, I want you to watch this clip. Read on to learn more about the Cambrian…
The Cambrian Explosion and Intelligent Design – Part 2
Dr. John Ankerberg: This next clip explains why Darwin’s theory of natural selection and random mutation cannot account for what is needed to build a Cambrian animal. Folks, I want you to listen. Narrator: Each of the thousands of different proteins in nature is actually a chain made from a specific combination of 20 different…
Who is the Antichrist? Part 5 – His Downfall
How will the Antichrist downfall occur? And it’s my understanding that at this point that the world will come to the exact middle of the seven-year tribulation period and it’s at this point that what Paul described in 2 Peter 2:4 will take place. Now that he has complete control of Jerusalem, Antichrist will walk…
I Will Be With You
Does this sound familiar? You feel “led” by God to do something, to go somewhere, to take some course of action. But you want confirmation that it’s really God’s plan for your life, so you figuratively “put out the fleece.” What’s that, you ask? Well, go back to Judges 6 and 7, and read the…