Who is the Antichrist? Part 3 – The character of the Antichrist
We’ve been talking about the future Antichrist and we’ve seen on the basis of Daniel 7 that he will rise to power from within the future revived Roman Empire. There’s a very significant prophetic passage in Daniel 11 that sheds a lot more light on this man and particularly, significant world events that are going…

Who is the Antichrist? Part 2 – War against God’s saints and His laws
Who is the Antichrist? And so, in light of that, when we come back to Daniel 7:25, the next thing the angel said this man will do is this: “He shall wear out the saints of the Most High.” In other words, he’s going to wage all-out war against people who are true believers in…

The Coming Invasion of Israel
More than 2,600 years ago, Ezekiel prophesied that in the end times, the Jews would be regathered from “many nations” around the world (Ezekiel 36–37). Sometime later, he warned, there would be an all-out invasion into Israel by a massive northern invasion force consisting of Rosh, Magog, Meshech and Tubal, Persia, Cush, Put, Gomer, and…

The Fall of the United States
A common topic of discussion among Christians today is, What is the destiny of the United States in the end times? Of course, when discussing this topic, it is important to approach it with respect and understanding for our fellow brothers and sisters who may hold different views. It is crucial that we find common…

The Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple and the Signs of the Times
The temple is a place of worship for the Jewish people and is where God typically manifests Himself to His people. We know that the Jewish temple will be rebuilt during the tribulation period because Daniel 9:27 speaks of the sacrifices that will be offered in the temple during the first half of this period. …

The Rapture Is Before the Tribulation Period
When is the rapture? The rapture is that glorious event when the dead in Christ will rise, living Christians will be instantly translated into their glorified bodies, and both groups will be caught up to meet Christ in the air and taken back to heaven (John 14:1-3; 1 Corinthians 15:51-54; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17). This means…

The Amazing Rebirth of Israel
A significant end-time prophecy related to the present age is that Israel would become a nation again after a long worldwide dispersion of the Jews. It seemed impossible. All the odds were against it. But amazingly, it happened. Let’s look at the rebirth of Israel. Israel’s rebirth as a self-governing nation in 1948 represented the…

Interpreting Prophecy: Why a Literal Approach Is Best
We’re going to look at interpreting prophecy. I was once interviewed by the Orange County Register, a large newspaper in Southern California. The paper was doing a story on angels. The reporter expressed incredulity that a modern Christian with a doctoral degree could possibly believe that references to angels in the Bible were to be…

Prophetic Imbalances to Avoid
Let’s look at Prophetic Imbalances to Avoid: When my kids were learning to drive, I felt it essential for them to learn all the rules of safe driving. This included teaching them about specific things to avoid. For example, when driving, one should avoid speeding, driving while fatigued, diverting attention from the road to adjust…

THANKSGIVING AS GOD-CENTEREDNESS: How Paul’s use of the term differs from ours today
The concept of thanksgiving is mentioned 62 times within the New Testament, and intriguingly, over three-quarters of these mentions occur within Paul’s letters. Paul stands out as the only New Testament writer who explicitly exhorts believers to practice thankfulness. His emphasis on this theme is without equal, not only in the New Testament, but in…