What Do Others Teach about Faith vs Works?
Imputed righteousness: What do other religions team about faith vs works? Dr. John Ankerberg: One of the things I would like to talk about here, and that’s with the Worldwide Church of God. Herbert W. Armstrong makes this quote, Dr. Martin. He says, “Some religious teachers tell you Christ lived a righteous life for you…

Who is the Antichrist? Part 1 – Proclaims himself to be God
Who is the Antichrist? In Daniel 7, we read of a prophetic vision God gave to Daniel in which the Lord was indicating that sometime in the future there would be a revived form of the Roman Empire. But as Daniel was considering the ten horns that appeared in this vision, he made this statement…

Psalm 139 – A Prayer of Thanksgiving
A look at Psalm 139 – A Prayer of Thanksgiving Verses 1-6 Dear Omniscient Father, you know everything about me. Even the things I might want to keep hidden from you. You dig down into every nook and cranny of my life, my thoughts, my actions, my feelings. You know them all, yet you still…

Veterans Day
For most of us our lives are marked by a variety of responsibilities, unwelcome crises, and competing commitments which make it difficult to know what day of the week it is, not to mention what each day might hold. At such a pace, moments of prayerful reflection or remembrance are often displaced by deadlines and…

Psychics and Mediums—Part 3: Perceiving and Contacting “Ghosts”
In Part 1 of this series, I gave a brief summary of the occult, the paranormal, divination, psychics, trance states, and mediums. In Part 2, I discussed spiritism, channeling, and so-called spirit guides. In this final and concluding article in the series, I will briefly discuss séances, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychometry, crystal balls, automatic handwriting,…

What Do Roman Catholics Believe About Salvation?
Catholics and Salvation: What do they believe? In this interview, Dr. Ankerberg interviews Dr. Walter Martin: Dr. John Ankerberg: As I see it – maybe you see it different – there are at least four different kinds of Roman Catholics to start off with in the Roman Catholic Church. I wanted to say that, and…

Psychics and Mediums—Part 2: Understanding Spiritism, Channeling, and Spirit Guides
In Part 1 of this article, I provided a basic summary of the occult, the paranormal, divination, psychics, trance states, and mediums. In the present article, I will continue along these same lines with a brief assessment of spiritism, channeling, and so-called spirit guides. Spiritism Spiritism affirms the continued existence of human personalities beyond death…

What Do Other Religions Teach about Salvation?
What Do Other Religions Teach about Salvation? Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. Walter Martin explain in this interview: Dr. John Ankerberg: Mary Baker Eddy says about the atonement of Jesus, “The material blood of Jesus was no more efficacious to cleanse from sin when it was shed upon the accursed tree then when it was…

Psychics and Mediums—Part 1: Understanding the Occult, the Paranormal, and Psychic-Mediums
The field of occultism is filled with intriguing and mysterious terms such as precognition, paranormal, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychometry, and telekinesis. In what follows, I will delve into these enigmatic concepts to help readers better understand ghosts and psychic phenomena. The Occult The term occult comes from the Latin word occultus, which literally means “hidden,”…

What Do Mormons Teach about Salvation?
What Do Mormons Teach about Salvation? In this interview, we will explain. Dr. John Ankerberg: The Mormons’ Journal of Discourses is a conglomeration, and I am going to summarize here. The Mormon doctrine of salvation involves not only faith in Christ, they admit that, but “baptism by immersion, obedience to the teachings of the Mormon…