The Offense of the Cross
“You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. ‘A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.’ I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever…

The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus as Evidence for the Existence of God
Where is the evidence of God’s existence in the Bible? Jesus of Nazareth was a remarkable individual by all accounts, John. New Testament historians have reached something of a consensus that the historical Jesus came on the scene with an unprecedented sense of divine authority, the authority to stand and speak in God’s place. He…

The Cross Plus?
In his book Cries from the Cross, Dr. Erwin Lutzer describes an encounter with a woman on an airplane. He noticed that she was wearing a necklace with a cross and commented, “Thanks for wearing that cross… We really do have a wonderful Savior, don’t we?” He then describes her reaction: “Surprised, she rolled her…

How Do Objective Moral Values Argue for the Existence of God?
If God does not exist, then it’s very difficult to find any objective standard of right and wrong, good and evil. In atheism, moral values are just byproducts of biological evolution and social conditioning. Michael Ruse, who is an atheistic philosopher of science from Canada, has said that morality is a biological adaptation; ethics is…

The Power of God
When was the last time you just sat down and thought about how very powerful God is? Most likely, if you are like me, the times when you think about it are the times when you realize your own weakness in some situation. I mean, mostly I think I can handle pretty much anything that…

How Does the Fine Tuning of the Universe Point to an Intelligent Designer?
Scientists once thought that whatever the initial conditions of the universe might have been, given enough time and a little luck, eventually intelligent life forms like ourselves would evolve. But instead, during the last fifty years or so, scientists have discovered to their surprise that the existence of intelligent life in this universe depends upon…

Is God the Best Explanation for the Origin of the Universe?
I’m convinced that the hypothesis that God exists explains a wide range of the data of human experience. For example, God is the best explanation of the origin of the universe. One of the most remarkable facts about modern physics is that, in contrast to scientists of bygone days, modern science believes that the universe…

The One Who is Faithful
The faithfulness of God is one of my favorite topics. Part of my fascination, I suppose, is the many ways I have seen His faithfulness played out in my own life. So very many times I have been in a difficult situation—sometimes through my own actions, sometimes through the actions of others. Regardless, when I…

Celebrating Father’s Day in the Book of Proverbs
Father’s Day is a special day to honor and celebrate the fathers in our lives for their love, support, and guidance. It is a time to appreciate the sacrifices they have made and the lessons they have taught us. This year, I have been reflecting on how the book of Proverbs highlights the important role…

Healing in a Touch
“Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. She said to herself, ‘If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.’ Jesus turned and saw her. ‘Take heart, daughter,’ he said, ‘your faith has healed you.’ And the…