What Kind of Fool Am I
By: Dr. Steven Riser; ©2006 When I was a teenager my older brother presented me with the motto which said: “When you’re as great as I am it’s hard to be humble.” It should have read: “When you are as foolish as I am, it’s impossible to become wise.” In this article, I want to…

Priesthood in Mormonism/Part 5
By: Marvin W. Cowan; ©2006 Mormons often ask others “Where did you get your authority?” By that they mean authority to preach, baptize, ordain, etc. Latter-day Saints [LDS] don’t believe that God will accept such work unless it is performed by one who has the priesthood. Previous Article Priesthood in Mormonism Contents Mormons often ask…

Priesthood in Mormonism/Part 4
By: Marvin W. Cowan; ©2006 Mormon Priesthood is one of the LDS doctrines discussed in the official LDS study guide, Gospel Principles. Marvin Cowan discusses the LDS teaching, taking special notice of the Bible texts used to support their view of priesthood. Previous Article Priesthood in Mormonism Contents Mormon Priesthood is one of the LDS…

Priesthood in Mormonism/Part 3
By: Marvin W. Cowan; ©2006 Brigham Young, the second Mormon Prophet described LDS priesthood as “invisible, almighty God-like power”. It certainly is invisible, but to say it is an “almighty God-like” power is another matter. Previous Article Priesthood in Mormonism Contents Our last two articles have shown that “priesthood” is all-important to Mormons. Brigham Young,…

Priesthood in Mormonism/Part 2
By: Marvin W. Cowan; ©2006 Author Marvin Cowan responds to the Mormon teaching on priesthood found in Gospel Principles. Can the Mormon claims regarding priesthood be found in the Bible? Previous Article Priesthood in Mormonism Contents Our last article discussed the definition of LDS “priesthood” given by LDS leaders and gave some brief biblical responses…

Priesthood in Mormonism/Part 1
By: Marvin W. Cowan; ©2006 Milton R. Hunter, the General Authority who actually wrote “The Gospel Through The Ages,” said, “Priesthood is probably the most important single item in the Gospel. Without it the ordinances could not be performed; neither could the true Church be established.” Marvin Cowan takes a look at the Mormon teaching…

The Virgin Birth
By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©2005 The virgin birth of Christ is the perennial target of naturalistic Bible critics, who tend to regard it as the result of pagan influence on Christian writers of the second century. These Christians developed the myth in an emulation of stories from Greek mythology. This was the position put forth…

Who Will Be Left at the Second Coming of Christ?
Who will be left at the Second Coming of Christ after the Tribulation period? We previously looked at some of the passages with regard to the Rapture, so we have already seen from the Scriptures that the believers who are removed at the Rapture. But what about passages that are talking about who will be…

Is the Book of Mormon a Divine Revelation?
By: Dr. John Ankerberg / Dr. John Weldon; ©2005 Even though Mormon prophets and leaders have always stressed the divine authority of the Book of Mormon, and therefore that it could withstand any and all critical scrutiny, many theologians and scholars over the years have shown the falsity of the claim. In this article the…

The Catholic Doctrine of Purgatory
By: Dr. John Ankerberg / Dr. John Weldon; ©2005 The Roman Catholic teaching on purgatory was officially pro¬claimed as dogma in 1438. This means that until that year, belief in the doctrine was not required. Purgatory is a temporary hell Catholics must attend in order to work off their sins. Contents 1 The Catholic…