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The Freedoms Christians Might Lose In This Election

By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©2004 Some of the issues at stake in the election of November 2004 include : will we be able to teach all that the Bible says, even in Church?; where will we be able to pray or hold Bible studies?; if the government allows killing babies in the womb, what’s next?; is…

News You Didn’t Hear from Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings or Dan Rather About Partial Birth Abortion, Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Same-Sex Marriage

By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©2004 What happens during a “partial-birth” abortion? How often is this procedure actually done for “life of mother” or “life of fetus”? Why are embryonic stem cells unsafe? What is the harm in same-sex marriage?   Contents 1 “Partial Birth” Abortion 1.1 How many partial-birth abortions take place each year? 1.2…

Hallowed Ground

By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2004 With homosexual marriage in the news, Dr. Baehr looks at some of the statistics about homosexual partnerships. Is a “committed relationship” the same thing as marriage? Marriage is one of the few institutions in the U.S. that still uses Christian language, even when it’s performed in the courthouse. That’s because…

Recruiters Among Us?—What Your Church Needs to Know About Homosexuality

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Roger Montgomery; ©2004 Roger Montgomery gives examples to explain that, even in your church, homosexuals may be looking for children to molest. Dr. John Ankerberg in an interview with Roger Montgomery (See Roger Montgomery’s testimony, “Dying of AIDS,” elsewhere on this site.) Dr. John Ankerberg: In your counseling, Roger, you’re finding…

Messages from the Beyond: Preaching the Gospel of Self-Godhood

By: Carl Teichrib; ©2004 One aspect of the New Age movement that reveals it’s “heart and soul” is in the area of “communications”. That is, channeled messages from the beyond that teach, guide and direct the individuals and groups that adhere to them. At the heart of these channeled messages we find the same lies…

Why Hollywood Hates Christianity

By: Don Feder; ©2004 Saved! Is just the latest attack of Hollywood against Christians. This month Don Feder explores why Hollywood is so threatened by biblical/Christian ethics. Editor’s Note: This column originally appeared in on May 28, 2004. It was reprinted by permission in MovieGuide®, and has been forwarded to us by Ted Baehr.…

Homeopathy – Part 6

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 Modern homeopaths often claim that homeopathy can be used effectively with scientific medicine. The authors argue that, while (scientifically oriented) homeopathy and medicine can indeed be combined that is not the key issue. The real issue is whether homeopathy contributes anything legitimate to medical practice.  …

Homeopathy – Part 5

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 Homeopathic practitioners offer two basic lines of evidence for their art, one theoretical and the other practical. Homeopathic practitioners offer two basic lines of evidence for their art, one theoretical and the other practical. Contents 1 Theoretical Argument 2 Practical Argument 3 Notes Theoretical Argument Homeopaths…

Homeopathy – Part 4

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 Homeopathic practitioners cannot agree on either the theoretical basis of homeopathy or its practical application. Ankerberg and Weldon explain why this creates serious problems, not only for the practitioners, but also for their patients. Previously, we detailed three categories of homeopathic practitioners: the traditional homoeopathist who…

Homeopathy – Part 3

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 More false assumptions about homeopathy, and the dangers of occult involvement because of homeopathic remedies. Contents 1 One Disease, One Remedy 2 Contradictory Theory and Practice 3 Homeopathic Categories 4 Notes One Disease, One Remedy The eighth flaw of Hahnemann was to assume that regardless of…