What is the True Source of Psychic Abilities?
A very common occult practice involves the development of psychic abilities. Yet a great deal of confusion exists as to what psychic abilities are. Are they really latent human powers possessed by everyone? Most people who think so refer to the research of J. B. Rhine and modern parapsychology as having “proven” that psychic powers…

Where Is God When a Disaster Happens? – Part 2
John Ankerberg and Dillon Burroughs[1] The Persistence of Evil Another aspect of the problem of evil is its persistence, why does God allow it? Even if He did not produce it, He does permit it. Yet He is also supposed to be all-powerful and could destroy it, so why doesn’t He? According to philosopher-theologian Dr.…

Hints of the Trinity in the Old Testament (Part 5): Isaiah 63:10-14
In our exploration of Trinitarian foreshadowing in the Old Testament, we now turn our attention to a passage that provides intriguing insights into the personhood and divinity of the Holy Spirit: Isaiah 63:10-14. This text offers a unique glimpse into the complex nature of God, hinting at the distinct personhood of the Holy Spirit while…

When God Doesn’t Heal
Dr. John Ankerberg: Joni, is it God’s will to heal all those who truly come to Him in faith? Is it always a given that He will say yes to our requests for healing? Is it a sure thing that miraculous healing is always His first and best option? Some in the Christian church assert…

Where is God When You are in Pain?
Dr. John Ankerberg: Joni, we need to talk about when people go into discouragement and depression because they have the chronic pain that they’re living with all the time. And one of the verses that is keen to you is Philippians 1:3, “Every time I think of you I give thanks to my God.” Joni…

When do Psychic Experiences Become Dangerous? – Part 2
During his lifetime, Dr. Kurt Koch counseled over 11,000 people[1] who had encountered problems arising from their occult practices. He observes of those who carry on an active occult practice, “The family histories and the end of these occult workers are, in many cases known to me, so tragic that we can no longer speak…

Where Is God When a Disaster Happens? – Part 1
John Ankerberg and Dillon Burroughs[1] These and other issues often plague our minds with one probing question—How can God allow suffering and evil? The problem of evil is one of the greatest challenges to the Christian faith made by skeptics today. Even for devoted followers of Christ, there is no greater test of faith than…

Where Is God When Disaster Strikes?
We are sure this question has come to many in light of the devastation caused by recent hurricanes. Did these hurricanes catch God off-guard? Could He, should He have stopped them from taking so many lives and causing so much destruction? We believe there is an answer, and we offer this excerpt from a series…

Does God Have a Purpose for our Pain?
Dr. John Ankerberg: Michael, I want to talk to the people that have been in Christian meetings where they’ve been told they didn’t have enough faith, that’s why God didn’t heal them. There must be some secret hidden sins they still haven’t confessed, and that’s what’s kept them away. And some of them have left…

Hints of the Trinity in the Old Testament (Part 4): Psalm 110
In our ongoing exploration of how the Trinity is foreshadowed in the Old Testament, we turn to our fourth and final Messianic passage for this series: Psalm 110. This psalm provides another intriguing glimpse into the divine nature of the Messiah and the distinction of persons within the Godhead, further demonstrating how the Old Testament…