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Ephesians – Wayne Barber/Part 76

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2000 What does God expect of people in the work place, both employees and employers? Dr. Barber looks at what the Scripture says about their attitudes and actions. Audio Version Previous Article Ephesians 6:5-9 The Spirit-Filled Believer in the Work Place – Part 1 I want to entitle this “The Spirit-filled…


Ephesians – Wayne Barber/Part 29

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2000 So often we are tripped up in our Christian walk by our own pride, and our need for personal recognition of what we have “done for God.” Dr. Barber illustrates, using the story of King Uzziah, and of Isaiah, why pride can be a dangerous thing. Previous Article Audio Version…


Salvation: The Glory of the Gospel

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2000 Dr. Barber teaches from Ephesians 1 to explain what characterizes real faith. He explains, for example that real faith is believing God and trusting Him regardless of what He does. Salvation is not Salvation is not achieved by one’s personal righteousness, or one’s good deeds for God, church or people…

The Power Behind the Force

By: Dave Hunt; ©2000 What are the dangers of ignoring the power behind many of the false teaching we hear today? What does “the force” have to do with evolution? No intelligent person really believes in talking snakes, do they? Dave Hunt has some interesting insights into these questions. Contents 1 The Power Behind the…

Examples of Occultism in Our World and the Church

By: Dave Hunt; ©2000 Dave Hunt explains that new age beliefs may be more wide-spread than you might think. How can you recognize what is happening. Mr. Hunt gives examples from our modern society.. Contents 1 Examples of Occultism in Our World and in the Church 2 Occultism in Our Modern World Remains Unchanged 3…

Does Occultism Have a Dark and a Light Side?

By: Dave Hunt; ©2000 White magic, black magic. The dark side and the light side of the Force in Star Wars. Those involved in the occult usually argue that the powers can be used for either good or evil—and that most practitioners are committed to using their powers only for good. But is that true…

Spiritual Science and Occultism

By: Dave Hunt; ©2000 Is the power of God a force that works according to scientific laws? Can any normal human being harness this power for his own use? Dave Hunt explains. Contents 1 Spiritual Science and Occultism 2 Spiritual “Science” 3 Occultism: Satan’s Counterfeit “Miracles” 4 Beyond Psychic Power 5 Notes Spiritual Science and…


By: Kristin England; ©2000 “Don’t let the sun go down on your wrath.” Kristin England explains how she had to deal with her anger following her abortion, and gives Scriptural principles for you to follow if you are dealing with the anger issue yourself. This is part ten of a series dealing with the after-effects…

“Out of Control!”

By: Kristin England; ©2000 In this article Kristin England explores the issue of anger: how does it affect your life, your relationships with people and with God? How can you avoid having your anger become a sin? This is part nine of a series dealing with the after-effects of abortion. continued… It was a hot…

“When I’m On My Knees”

By: Kristin England; ©2000 What do you do, where do you turn, when your strength is gone? When it seems that you simply cannot go on, or bear your burdens any longer? Kristin England offers a source of hope and of strength that is available whenever you need it! This is part eight of a…