Beware of False Doctrines!!!
By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2000 The ABC Special “The Search for Jesus” allowed only one side to be presented. Dr. Baehr explains why this made it so dangerous. Contents 1 BEWARE OF FALSE DOCTRINES!!! BEWARE OF FALSE DOCTRINES!!! One of the most prominent featured in ABC’s Peter Jennings Reporting: The Search for Jesus was the…
The Love of Money
By: Abu Atallah; ©2000 If Christians do not love money and betrayal, why did the Christian church take people’s money in the Middle Ages? Also, if the West is Christian, why have all the Western countries adopted the capitalist system, and why are they taking advantage of the poor around the world? These are the…
The Meat of Pigs
By: Abu Atallah; ©2000 The meat of pigs is unclean—or is it? Abu Atallah explores what the Bible says about clean and unclean things, and explains the limitations of a Christian’s freedom in such matters. Why did Allah prohibit eating of some food in the Torah and then allowed it in the Injiel (the Arabic…
Dowsing and Water Dowsing
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2000 Dowsing is commonly practiced, even by professing Christians. What are the dangers inherent in this practice? Dowsing and Water Dowsing INFO AT A GLANCE Description. Dowsing is a practice employing divinatory implements and methods in order to search out information, such as a site of water, the…
Eastern Gurus
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2000 What do the eastern Gurus teach? Are there dangers in following their example or their beliefs? Eastern Gurus From the Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs (Harvest House, 1996) Info at a Glance Description: Eastern gurus constitute a large class of Hindu occultists who have come to America…
EST, The Forum, and Related New Age Seminars
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2000 A brief look at EST and other programs “designed to unleash human potential and achieve ‘enlightenment.’” EST, The Forum, and Related New Age Seminars (from the Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, Harvest House, 1996) INFO AT A GLANCE Description. New Age seminars are 50-to-60-hour intensive programs designed…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2000 Enlightenment is the goal of much of new age practice: attaining “higher states of consciousness and existence.” But is the pursuit of enlightenment dangerous? Enlightenment (from the Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, Harvest House, 1996) Info At A Glance: Description. Enlightenment involves an allegedly higher state of…
Toward a Mystical Military
By: Carl Teichrib; ©2000 Carl Teichrib explores the influence of the New Age upon our military, and how it has influenced the military’s relationship with various allies. Contents 1 Towards A Mystical Military 2 Rice Beer, Sacrificial Chickens, and the Special Forces 3 Transcending Time and Space 4 Consider the Words of the Lord Towards…
Kenneth Hagin and “Positive Confession”
By: Dave Hunt; ©2000 Dave Hunt explains why the “positive confession” teaching so prevalent among some groups today has brought a form of New Age teaching inside the Christian Church. Contents 1 Kenneth Hagin and “Positive Confession” 2 A “Law of Miracles”? 3 The Charismatic’s “Mary Baker Eddy” 4 Notes Kenneth Hagin and “Positive Confession”…
Educating for Pagan Change
By: Carl Teichrib; ©2000 Carl Teichrib looks at the origins of Earth Day, and some of the disturbing statements supporters have made about the purpose of this annual event. Educating for Pagan Change Earth Day and the First National Teach-In In 1970, “Earth Day” was introduced to the public. Now, thirty years later, people around…