The Martial Arts
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2000 Many people practice the martial arts simply as a form of physical exercise and/or conditioning. Are there any dangers in this practice? What should these Christians look out for? The Martial Arts (from Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, Harvest House, 1996) Info At a Glance: Description: The…
Hypnosis and Hypnotic Regression
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2000 Is there danger in undergoing hypnosis—even for “fun”? Drs. Ankerberg and Weldon show why this is not just a harmless practice. HYPNOSIS AND HYPNOTIC REGRESSION (from Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, Harvest House, 1996) INFO AT A GLANCE Description. Hypnosis is a deliberately induced condition of deep…
Dream Work
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2000 Is there value in studying our dreams and the influence they have? How can you tell if a dream is a message from God? Dr. Weldon gives a brief analysis. DREAM WORK (from the Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, Harvest House, 1996) INFO AT A GLANCE Description.…
Attitudinal Therapy
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2000 Drs. Ankerberg and Weldon begin a multiple part look at attitudinal therapy, which emphasizes the importance of both mental and spiritual belief to health and wellness. What are the primary books that helped shape these practices? Contents 1 ATTITUDINAL THERAPY 2 An Introduction 3 “SETH” 4 Notes…
Genesis 1-11 as Historical Narrative
By: W. Gary Phillips, David M. Fouts; ©2000 Is the story of creation and the early history of man in Genesis Chapters 1-11 a myth, allegory, parable, legend…? Or is there evidence that it is in fact historical narrative—relating what actually happened? Drs. Phillips and Fouts explain. Most young-age creationists believe the universe and the…
Voices for Evolution
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2000 Read what those who support evolution have to say about the theory in which they have placed their “faith.” (Excerpted from Darwin’s Leap of Faith, Harvest House, 1998) Contents 1 Introduction 2 Distortion One: Creation Is Not a Valid Scientific Theory 3 Notes Introduction As an example…
Why I Became A Christian: An Interview with a Former Muslim
By: Alex Abu; ©2000 Abu Alex interviews a former Muslim to find out what influenced him to embrace Christianity. (Names and places as well as other information which could identify the converts have been omitted in order to secure anonymity. The interview was conducted 18/11/97.) A reason why I became a Christian is that in…
The Crucifixion of Jesus: Christian and Muslim Perspectives
By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©2000 Muslims deny that the crucifixion happened, while Christians place their hope of salvation squarely at the cross and the empty tomb. What can explain this difference in beliefs? (Edited transcription of Islam vs. Christianity (Program 4),a series of television programs produced by The John Ankerberg Show) Ankerberg: Welcome to our…
Four Questions About Muhammad
By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©2000 Dr. Geisler examines four passages from the Bible: three from the Old Testament, and one from the New Testament, which are used by Muslims to support their teachings. Dr. Geisler clears up the interpretation in each case. (Excerpt from Dr. Geisler’s book When Cultists Ask, Baker, 1997) Contents 1 I.…
Hamburg, Munich and Zurich
By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2000 T. Peirce Baehr, Dr. Ted Baehr’s son, details the ministry opportunities he and his father had on their way to attend this year’s Cannes Film Festival. Contents 1 Hamburg, Munich and Zurich Hamburg, Munich and Zurich We arrived in the Frankfurt airport just a little late but passed through…