Recent Articles

The Mass Media and Its Place in our Culture

By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2000 Dr. Baehr explains how the mass media has replaced thinking in our culture. Should you be concerned? If so, what can you do about it? Dr. Baehr explains.   Contents 1 THE MASS MEDIA AND ITS PLACE IN OUR CULTURE THE MASS MEDIA AND ITS PLACE IN OUR CULTURE The…

Redeeming Big Hollywood

By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2000 Vice Presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman has, in the past, supported efforts to clean up the entertainment industry. Dr. Baehr contrasts that stand with some of his other positions, and asks whether or not he will continue to stand against such corruption.   Contents 1 Redeeming Big Hollywood:Episode I: A New…

Real Life Woman Inspires Billy Graham Movie

By: Stephen Wistar; ©2000 Stephen Wistar describes a real life woman, whose keen insight into the needs of her neighbors helped create a character in a movie—not to mention revising Bible Study methods used by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Who says the “little people” can’t influence their world!   Contents 1 REAL LIFE WOMAN…

Passing the Torch: Billy Graham’s Amsterdam 2000

By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2000 How is the nature of evangelism going to change in the 21st century? This and other questions were discussed at Amsterdam 2000, which was attended by 10,000 evangelists, church leaders and pastors from all over the world.   Contents 1 PASSING THE TORCH: BILLY GRAHAM’S AMSTERDAM 2000 PASSING THE TORCH:…

Looking for Answers in All the Wrong Places

By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2000 Is there an answer to the violence in our society, especially the wave of school violence? Dr. Baehr says “YES!”, and explains where it can be found.   Contents 1 LOOKING FOR ANSWERS IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES LOOKING FOR ANSWERS IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES On the anniversary of…

Let the Sleepers Wake: A Brief History of Politics and Film

By: Dr. Tom Snyder; ©2000 Dr. Tom Snyder, Managing Editor for Movie-Guide Magazine, looks at the treatment of politics by film makers in the 20th century.   Contents 1 LET THE SLEEPERS WAKE: A BRIEF HISTORY OF POLITICS AND FILM LET THE SLEEPERS WAKE: A BRIEF HISTORY OF POLITICS AND FILM Politics and movies have…

Led Astray!

By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2000 Can you get a true picture of movies by reading or hearing the critics in newspapers, radio or television? What areas are they missing? Does it matter? Dr. Baehr answers this question, and gives a source for a more complete guide.   Contents 1 LED ASTRAY! LED ASTRAY! Quite often,…

Inoculate Your Children Against Political Correctness!

By: Dr. Tom Snyder; ©2000 What are the dangers of being “politically correct”? Should you be worried that your children are being taught political correctness through such programs as Outcome Based Education, School-to-Work, and Goals 2000 programs? Dr. Snyder explains.   Contents 1 INOCULATE YOUR CHILDREN AGAINST POLITICAL CORRECTNESS! 2 Definition of Political Correctness (or…

How Could ABC?

By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2000 As the fallout from Peter Jennings’ “The Search for Jesus” continues, Dr. Baehr reprints a “Letter to the Editor” which shows the impact the special had on one elderly couple.   Contents 1 HOW COULD ABC? HOW COULD ABC? (Letter to the editor of MOVIEGUIDE (R)) “It would be better…

Do Angels Give Light to the Watchtower Society

By: Lorri MacGregor; ©November 2000 Jehovah’s Witnesses claim to receive “angelic direction.” In light of Scripture, is this a good practice, or a dangerous, potentially harmful one? Lorri MacGregor examines both Watchtower literature and the Bible to reach her conclusions. Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that they receive “angelic direction” for their activities. Theirwritings from the 1930’s…