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Exploring God’s Will

By: Nancy Missler; ©2000 What is God’s will for us? Nancy Missler looks at God’s revealed will, the Bible, to show that God’s will for mankind is salvation. God’s Revealed Will–(The Word of God—the Bible) God’s Revealed Will is His Word, the Bible. He even puts His Word above His Name! As Psalm 138:2 says,…

The Dark Night of the Soul

By: Nancy Missler; ©2000 This article looks at Joseph, Moses, Abraham, and others who have experienced a dark time of testing and questioning. What did they learn? What can we learn from them? Loren Sandford has just written a good book on the dark night of the soul and he says, “Scripture shows us a…

God’s Will and Man’s Free Choice

By: Nancy Missler; ©2000 Nancy Missler asks: What is God’s will for us and how does he achieve it in our lives? The answer to this question may help us endure the “night seasons” that so often overwhelm us. Four Aspects of God’s Will In order to thoroughly explore “night seasons,” their origin and purpose,…

Hail Mary?

By: Greg Durel; ©2000 Greg Durel examines the “Hail, Mary” prayer line by line to show why the Catholic understanding of Mary and her place in their lives and redemption is wrong.   The prayer life of the Roman Catholic is quite different from the Bible believing Chris­tian. The predominant prayer in the life of…

The Answer to Anxiety

By: Dr. James Van Dyke; ©2000 The Bible says to be “anxious for nothing.” So is it a sin for a Christian to feel anxious? Dr. Van Dyke explains, and gives practical advise in dealing with stressful events in our lives. The doctor told the patient that he could find nothing physically wrong with him.…

Libres del Temor a la Muerte

By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©2000 ¿Te estás enfrentando a tu propia muerte? ¿Ha recientemente muerto alguien que conoces? ¿Cómo has de responder a estas situaciones como un cristiano? ¿Da la Biblia directrices a seguir? ¿Da Dios consuelo? El Dr. Ankerberg explica.   ¿Qué sucede en el momento después de morir? Para mí, este es un…

Objections to Eternal Security – What about John 15

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©200 John 15 has been used to teach loss of salvation, but Drs. Ankerberg and Weldon explain why that is not the best way to understand these verses. Objections to Eternal Security—What about John 15? John 15:1-11 is also often used to teach the loss of genuine…


I. Introduction Everything in this religion is based on Muhammad’s life and teaching, yet Muhammad is not the center of worship and devotion. God is. Muhammad’s followers refer to their faith as Islam, “submission to God.” They came to be identified as Muslims, “those who submit to God. Muslims consider the term Muhammadanism and its…

The Word of God: The Bible or the Koran?

By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©2000 Dr. Jamal Badawi, Dr. Hussein Morsi, Dr. Gleason Archer and Dr. Anis Shorrosh join Dr. John Ankerberg to compare the Bible with the Koran, and to answer the question: Which is the Word of God? (Transcribed from the debate, Islam vs. Christianity, produced by The John Ankerberg Show. Featured guests:…

Why Does God Discipline His Children

By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©2000 The majority of Christians undergo times of trial at some point in their life. Is this God’s discipline? If so, why would He do it? What can we learn from such times? Why Does God Discipline His Children? Our topic today is an interesting one—God’s discipline of His own, why…