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Seventh-day Adventism

By: Dr. James Bjornstad; ©1999 Many people are confused as to whether or not Seventh-day Adventism should be considered a cult. In this article, Dr. Bjornstad explains where their doctrine agrees with historic, biblical Christianity, and what the points of disagreement are.   Contents 1 Seventh-day Adventism 1.1 I. History 1.2 II. Theology 1.3 The…

Merit and the General Judgment

By: James McCarthy; ©1999 The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Catholics in a state of grace can and must merit eternal life. In this article Jim McCarthy explains how this Catholic doctrine contradicts the Bible.   Contents 1 Merit and the General Judgment 1.1 Eternal Life Is a Free Gift, not a Merited Reward 1.2…

Is It Christian Faith or Cabin Faith

By: Dr. Bill Gillham; ©1999 Is it safe to trust your feeling to determine whether or not you are saved? How important is the object of our faith? Can we be released from bondage to our emotions? Dr. Gillham explains. Previous Article Contents 1 Is It Christian Faith or Cabin Faith? 1.1 Feeling Saved 1.2…


Who are the 144,000?

Many Christians are puzzled when the familiar door-knockers, the Jehovah’s Wit­nesses, tell them they don’t want to go to heaven—they intend to live right here on earth, and furthermore, only 144,000 can go to heaven. What about this biblical number of 144,000—where is it found, and what does it mean? Do only 144,000 go to…


Ephesians – Wayne Barber/Part 2

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1999 What is a saint? What signs would you expect to see in the life of someone who is a saint? Dr. Barber explains as he begins a sermon series through the book of Ephesians. Previous Article Audio Version Ephesians 1:1 The Characteristics of Saintly Saints – Part 2 We want…

Christian Science – Part 1

By: Dr. James Bjornstad; ©1999 A brief look at the origin, dangers and theological teachings of Christian Science. Contents 1 Christian Science 2 History 3 Theology 3.1 Witnessing to Christian Scientists. 4 Selected Bibliography Christian Science Christian Science was founded by Mary Baker Eddy [nee Mary Ann Morse Baker], who was born in Bow, NH…


Ephesians – Wayne Barber/Part 28

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1999 Dr. Barber does a study of the word “ages” to explain first, what an age is, and then how God relates to His people in each age. Previous Article Audio Version Ephesians 2:7-10 Made in Heaven by the Grace of God – Part 1 Turn with me to Ephesians 2:7.…

Are Night Seasons Part of God’s Will

By: Nancy Missler; ©1999 God uses the “deep waters” in our lives to help us to grow spiritually. But many Christians misunderstand God’s purpose and “drown” in the deep waters rather than learning to lean on Him. How can you be one of those that does not “walk away bitter and confused”? Kingdom of God…


Ephesians – Wayne Barber/Part 7

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1999 The love of God is a continuing theme throughout the Bible. Dr. Barber explains what it implies for us. Previous Article Audio Version Ephesians 1:5 The Love of God – Part 1 Would you turn with me to Ephesians 1:5? I want to focus on the subject entitled “The Love…


Ephesians – Wayne Barber/Part 6

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1999 Christians are called to walk “holy and blameless”. How can we do that? Previous Article Audio Version Ephesians 1:4 Holy and Blameless We’re going to be looking at God’s eternal design for believers. Let’s read all the way down through verse 4 so we can catch the flow of what…