Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood
By: Mike Gendron; ©1999 Roman Catholics teach the doctrine of transubstantiation—that the bread and wine are miraculously turned into the actual flesh and blood of Jesus. Mike Gendron explains why this is simply not a biblically correct doctrine. Contents 1 Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood 1.1 Counterfeit Miracle 1.2 Drinking Blood Forbidden 1.3…
“Do I Need to Go to Church”
By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©1999 As a Christian, do I really need to go to church? Can’t I worship God adequately as I enjoy the beauty of His creation, say at the lake? Rev. Harris explains the role that church attendance can and should play in the Christian’s life. “Do I Need To Go to…
Making It Practical
By: Dr. Bill Gillham; ©1999 It’s one thing to understand there is a difference between walking in the Spirit and walking according to the flesh. It’s another thing entirely to put that truth to work in your life. Dr. Gillham explains how you can do it. Previous Article Contents 1 Making It Practical 1.1 Step…
Salvation of the Heathen
By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©1999, from Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, Baker Book House The fate of those who have never heard the Gospel poses a problem for the benevolence of God. If God is all-loving, then how can He send people to hell who have never heard about Jesus and how to be saved?…
What is the Occult?
By: Dave Hunt; ©1999 Dave Hunt offers a definition of the occult, and gives examples that show how it is manifest in many areas of our lives—ways we may not even be aware of. Contents 1 What is the Occult? 2 What is Going On? 3 A Host of Questions Arise 4 A Common and…
The Link Between Evolution and the Occult
By: Dave Hunt; ©1999 Dave Hunt explains why evolution is not just a “scientific” issue. It has heavily impacted people’s religious and moral beliefs. Contents 1 The Link Between Evolution and the Occult 2 The Bible or Evolution? 3 Facing the Truth 4 Pursuing a Delusion 5 Notes The Link Between Evolution and the Occult…
The Mormon Church as the Restored Church
By: Marvin W. Cowan; ©1999 The Mormon Church claims to be the “restored” church. But what evidence is there that the Church needed to be restored? What did they “restore” it to? Pastor Cowan also examines Joseph Smith’s account of the founding of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He compares Smith’s…