Media-Wise Family Moment
By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©1999 Dr. Baehr explains how you can better understand what your family is seeing and hearing on television, radio, CD’s, etc. Does your family need a better policy for what your kids watch and hear? Contents 1 MEDIA-WISE FAMILY ™ MOMENT 2 What do we watch? MEDIA-WISE FAMILY ™ MOMENT…
Legitimizing Immorality
By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©1999 How can belief in various esoteric religious tenets, such as reincarnation, lead to an increase in immorality? Dr. Baehr explains. Contents 1 Legitimizing IMMORALITY Legitimizing IMMORALITY When the Knight-Rider newspapers carry a religious news service column legitimizing reincarnation, and the Los Angeles Times real estate section defends the occult…
How Do Christians Pray?
By: Abu Atallah; ©1999 Prayer is an important part of the life of a Muslim. How is prayer different for Christians? What is the purpose of Christian prayer? “We Muslims have five obligatory prayers a day. Prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam. How do Christians pray?” Dear friend, prayer for Christians is…
Jesus of Nazareth: God’s Anointed Messiah
By: Alex Abu; ©1999 Did Jesus claim to be the Messiah? Abu Alex looks at some of the verses that clearly declare His messiahship. John the Baptist looked toward the coming Messiah as one far superior to himself. All the people of that time were in expectation of the coming Saviour and “questioned in their…
The Pendulum and the Pit
By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©1999 What is the driving force behind the type of movies Hollywood releases? Why are they so much “worse” today than they were years ago? Can something be done to reverse the trend? Contents 1 The Pendulum and the Pit: THE DEMOGRAPHIC CYCLES OF ENTERTAINMENT The Pendulum and the Pit:…
The Concept of God in Islam and Christianity
By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©1999 Dr. Ankerberg welcomes guests Dr. Jamal Badawi, Dr. Hussein Morsi, Dr. Anis Shorrosh, and Dr. Gleason Archer to participate in a debate on the differences between the Muslim and Christian understanding of God. (Transcribed from Program One of the “Islam vs. Christianity” debate conducted by The John Ankerberg Show) Tonight…
The Qur’an mentions one Gospel. Why then do Christians talk about four Gospels?
By: Abu Atallah; ©1999 bu Atallah explains the difference between the Gospel (the good news about Jesus), and the Gospels (the first four books of the New Testament), in which four different men carefully chronicle Jesus’ life and lay out the Gospel message. Dear Friend, thank you for your question. Let me explain to you…
Fasting: Islamic and Christian Perspectives
By: Abu Atallah; ©1999 Abu Atallah contrasts the understanding of fasting in Islamic and Christian settings. Why do we fast? How should we fast? Are we commanded to fast? Dear Friend: What a timely question! As Muslims begin to observe the month of Ramadan, your question is, do Christians fast like us Muslims? Let me…
How Can Man Be Saved with Praying, Fasting and Giving?
By: Abu Atallah; ©1999 Fasting, prayers and alms are all important aspects of the Muslim’s religious life. But are these enough to “guarantee” the devout Muslim, or indeed, anyone, a place in Heaven? Abu Atallah explains, both from Muslim holy books and from the Bible, why these are not enough. Dear Friend: You have asked…
Characteristics of the Unification Church
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©1999 Sun Myung Moon’s Unification church exhibits exclusivism, syncriticsm, secrecy and superstition. Contents 1 Characteristics of the Unification Church 2 Notes Characteristics of the Unification Church We now turn to a brief examination of several characteristics of the Unification Church or Unification Movement. Exclusivism Sun Myung Moon (aka…