Published 2-28-2018 The DNA code, discovered during the lifetimes of millions of people alive today, provides instructions for simple atoms and molecules of matter to form and assemble themselves into…
Published 2-21-2018 Miracle: A highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences. The foregoing definition of “miracle” modifies what many people traditionally believed about the…
Published 2-11-2018 When public media assign extra hyperbole to celestial events that already possess appeal and fascination, science educators are grateful. Extensive publicity was given to the last two total…
Published 2-5-2018 The total lunar eclipse on January 31 merited many superlatives from media reporters. After all, no total eclipse had coincided with a blue moon for 152 years and…
Published 1-31-2018 During extended discussions concerning life origins with friends, exchanges have often revolved around evolution as a natural process. According to theory, evolution occurs as a mysterious undirected force…
Published 1-23-2018 The paradigm of evolution is still relentlessly promoted in our culture. Its link to mutation and natural selection, however, is weakening. Quoting a term popularized by science philosopher…
Published 1-18-2018 In our last post we dealt with the positions of two famous commentators concerning the origin of living things—Stephen C. Meyer and Perry Marshall. For Christians, believing the…
Published 1-11-2018 Introduce a discussion of creationism, evolution, or Intelligent Design (ID) at a mixed gathering of friends and we have the makings of a lively discussion. Blend these topics…
Published 1-3-2018 Many regions of our country experienced severe cold weather in late December 2017. Current forecasts indicate we will endure at least another week of below zero conditions, in…
Published 12-23-2017 Our neighborhood in autumn is often full of riveting excitement. When we moved to this area in 2002, I pronounced it “bird heaven.” This judgment has not changed.…