Theology - Study of God

Our God is revealed to us as three “persons,” each one bringing to us an ever-expanding understanding of our salvation.

How Do We Know Jesus Died from the Crucifixion?

By John Ankerberg Show Staff | June 4, 2018

Crucifixion seems to have been invented by the Persians, who transmitted it to the Carthaginians, from whom the Romans learned it. It was the ultimate Roman punishment for slaves and provincials, but it was not used for Roman citizens…

What is the Trinity?

By Dr. John Weldon | May 29, 2018

The basic belief in Christianity is that one true God has revealed that He is three Persons, or centers of consciousness, within one Godhead. Because the concept cannot be fully comprehended does not mean the doctrine is irrational or cannot be accurately defined…

How Did Roman Crucifixion Kill Jesus?

By The John Ankerberg Show | March 22, 2018

James A. Brooks, in Mark, vol. 23, The New American Commentary, writes: Crucifixion seems to have been invented by the Persians, who transmitted it to the Carthaginians, from whom the Romans…

What is the Role of the Holy Spirit?

By Rev. Sam Harris | March 6, 2018

As a fairly new Christian, I have been studying what the Scriptures reveal about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I have a hunger for God’s Word and want to under­stand as much of it as I can in order that I will be able to share my faith as God gives me the opportunity…

What Does The Birth of Jesus Mean?

By The John Ankerberg Show | December 15, 2016

Question: What Does The Birth of Jesus Mean? I am a relatively new Christian and a non-Christian friend has asked me what the birth of Jesus means to me. I…

A Study of Theology IV – Part 7

By The John Ankerberg Show | December 14, 2016

THEOLOGICAL DICTIONARY Christian Doctrine (Main category) Theology (Sub Category)     Acts 2:4 A Study of Theology IV – Part 7 (Dr. Thomas Figart) There is great controversy today in…

A Study of Theology III – Part 13

By The John Ankerberg Show | December 9, 2016

THEOLOGICAL DICTIONARY Salvation Titus 3:5 A Study of Theology III – Part 13 (Dr. Thomas Figart) The Holy Spirit, Justification, Adoption – Dr. Figart explains how each of these relate…

A Study of Theology IV – Part 4

By The John Ankerberg Show | December 6, 2016

THEOLOGICAL DICTIONARY Christian Doctrine (Main category) Theology (Sub Category)     1 Corinthians 12:1 A Study of Theology IV – Part 4 (Dr. Thomas Figart) Dr. Figart explains the origin…

A Study ofTheology IV – Part 3

By The John Ankerberg Show | December 6, 2016

THEOLOGICAL DICTIONARY Christian Doctrine (Main category) Theology (Sub Category)   A Study of Theology IV – Part 3 (Dr. Thomas Figart) Dr. Figart continues his study of the structure and…

A Study of Theology III – Part 11

By The John Ankerberg Show | December 3, 2016

THEOLOGICAL DICTIONARY Theology Ascension of Christ Acts 1:9-11 A Study of Theology III – Part 11 (Dr. Thomas Figart) Jesus told His disciples that He would go to His father’s…

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