August News Update

Words cannot express how much I appreciate you and all that you have done for Darlene and me and for this ministry through your gifts, prayers, and friendship. Thank you!

Many years ago, when I began The John Ankerberg Show, I chose a verse to describe what I believe God called us to do in this ministry. That verse is found in 1 Peter 3:15. It says:

“But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is in you. But respond with gentleness and respect.”

That’s what we try to do each week on our program.

Since my last letter to you, I have met Jeff Myers, Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Denver. He has become the president of Summit Ministries.

Jeff told me about his trip to Israel that caught my attention.

We all know that on October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists slaughtered an unfathomable 1200 Jews, 17 Arabs, 33 US citizens, and captured 250 hostages of 20 nationalities and five different religions. That event has led to a war that continues to grow in the Middle East.

I learned that Jeff joined a small group of leaders in a wartime visit to Israel just 103 days after October 7.

When he arrived in Israel he met with military officials, hostage families, and with survivors. He met with journalists, and educators, with Jews and Arabs, the people on the left and on the right.

He met with peace activists and soldiers, and with an intelligence officer. He told me that what he learned was not at all what he expected.

He just wrote a new book entitled “Should Christians Support Israel?” I read it and learned the following about the war between Israel and Hamas:

  • the Hamas indoctrination that is taking place in America;
  • the war between competing worldviews;
  • the history of Israel and Palestine and their worldviews;
  • the tactics of the apocalyptic rape-and-death-cult called Hamas;
  • the nature of just war and genocide;
  • how the world might move forward based on a biblical worldview;
  • and lessons in resilience and hope for our time.

As the war continues, I am taping a TV series with Jeff in a few weeks to let him tell you the chilling facts that he found out.

Jeff will help you understand why a Harvard/CAPS poll two weeks after October 7 revealed that 51% of Generation Z students in America (those 19 and 20) agreed that “the killing of 1200 Israeli civilians and the kidnapping of another 250 civilians can be justified by the grievances of Palestinians.” By December, that figure had risen to 60%.

Jeff told me that Hamas is counting on the support of the rising generation of young Americans to help them. Within days of the October attack, Hamas was hosting rallies on our American campuses. They also helped form large protest parades in our major cities. Why? In our TV program you will find out.

But let me change topics and ask, are you a Christian who looks at what is happening in the world and wonders will Jesus’ return to earth happen soon?

If you are thinking that way, I hope that you will tune in to our TV series with Billy Graham’s daughter, Anne Graham Lotz. She is taking us through the book of Revelation and highlighting the world events in that book that reveal what God wants us to know about His Son, the Lord Jesus. Revelation also reveals major events that will happen worldwide.

Then, let me give you a quick report on the people you are helping us reach in the world with the gospel through Audio Bibles.

There are now 17,582,869 people in 83 countries listening to Audio Bibles in 253 languages. Half of all those people have invited Jesus to come into their lives, forgive them of their sins, and are asking God to help them live for Him. The majority of these people have no missionaries to help them, no pastors, just the Word of God in audio via the Proclaimers you have given. The Holy Spirit is using them in a mighty way.

I talked with Morgan Jackson, the Vice President of Faith Comes by Hearing, and he is getting ready to come and give us a report on the remaining languages and people groups that still have never heard about Jesus and have no Bible in their language. We will play his series some time close to Thanksgiving.

Let me close by asking you to pray for our ministry and the many stations we are on. We need your help to continue reaching different countries as well as the people in our own nation. These are turbulent times. We pray for you and believe God will bless you as you help us present and defend the gospel.

Until everyone hears,
John and Darlene