More to the Story

When we bring a guest into our studio, we usually speak with them about a specific topic—some area in which they have established expertise or a particular passion. But there’s more to their story. In this new series hosted by Michelle Ankerberg and Jeff Pallansch, you’ll get to know our guests better as they chat about their salvation story, their own faith journey, and perhaps a glimpse into their plans for the future.  Because there’s More To The Story.

The John Ankerberg Show

As a speaker and evangelist, Dr. Ankerberg spoke on university campuses, at churches, conferences, and other events. While speaking at a Youth for Christ summer camp, he was first asked to host a Kansas City Christian television program. Structuring the program with a debate-format, the show quickly caught the attention of other networks. After moving to Chattanooga, Tennessee to serve another media ministry, The John Ankerberg Show was picked up on CBN, a new network that soon expanded nationwide. Within a short time, Dr. Ankerberg’s side project quickly became a full-time ministry in 1980, renting office space and studio time to produce additional programs.


Prayer is our most powerful asset as we face trials in this world. Likewise, praying for others can be one of the best gifts you can offer. Lots of people share prayer requests from around the world, and we have worked to facilitate a community of prayer warriors to commit to praying for these requests. A commitment to pray for these people and situations means so much to us and to the people sharing the requests. As Christians, this gives us the opportunity to share each other’s burdens and lift one another up before the Lord, even if we have never met in person.

We believe Jesus taught us what it means to go and preach the Gospel.

One of the most compelling things about Jesus is how
He modeled outreach by meeting people where they
are. We meet people where they are through television,
radio, streaming media, online resources, discipleship programs, and our partnerships with other ministries.


Timothy in Nigeria

“I appreciate you so much for all your continued Christian love, brotherly kindness, and memorable support over the past year. You were encouraging me with all the edifying literature, teachings, and writings based on God’s infallible words. Please do kindly keep your helpful Christian publications, all your John Ankerberg Show teachings, writings, and books coming.”

Are you interested in learning more about Christianity or becoming a Christian? We have free resources available for you!

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The wide array of ministries of the John Ankerberg Show are only possible because of like-minded believers who are compelled by the mission of the John Ankerberg Show and committed to supporting it through prayer and consistent financial support.

We realize not everyone can physically go and take God’s Word to every corner of the world, but through monthly giving you can join a group of committed believers, multiplying their impact together, to help share the good news with those who need it most.

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