December News Update

As 2022 comes to an end, we thank God for how He has blessed us here at the John Ankerberg Show by your friendship and support. Thank You.

With your help we expanded our outreach by placing our program on Spanish television stations that reach 67 million Hispanics right here in the United States, and 17 Spanish-speaking nations in Central and South America. All together they reach over 500 million new people.

Worldwide, we can’t forget the Audio Bibles we have placed into the hands of people who have never heard the gospel before.  

At last count, more than 11 million people are now regularly interacting with God’s Word as they hear it in their own language. Statistically, about half of these people—5.5 million—have become new believers in Christ as the gospel has penetrated their hearts and the Holy Spirit has brought them new life.

All of this is possible because you have partnered with us, and we cannot thank you enough.

As we end 2022, can we ask you to pray about giving the most generous end of the year gift you can so we can continue defending the gospel on all our stations, including 26 new TV stations we have added here in America?

And finally, pray that God will help us to provide thousands of Audio Bibles to people who have no Bible in their language and have never heard about Jesus.

It is only with your help, and God’s power that are we able to obey Jesus’ command to “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15).


Thank you for partnering with us so people can have a saving faith in Jesus.

John and Darlene


P.S. Please note that any gift postmarked by December 31, 2022, and received in our office by January 13, 2023, will be credited as a 2022 donation. You may also make your donation anytime, 24/7, on our website.