July News Update

Your friendship, prayers, and support of this ministry and the work we are doing together are very special to Darlene and me. Thank you. Coming up we have some very important programs and guests for you. This month, on July 7, we will be concluding our TV series called “UFOs and Alien Abductions” with astronomer and astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross.

Then, starting July 14 our special guest will be Joni Lamb, the president and co-founder of the Daystar Television Network, which she started with her late husband, Marcus Lamb. Daystar is now in two billion homes and reaches more than 6.5 billion people worldwide. Joni will share with you the personal struggles and pains God has taken her through as she faced life’s most trying moments which she has described in her new book, “Through the Storm.”

I conducted a personal interview with Joni in our studio during which I asked her how she met and married Marcus Lamb; how God led them to start in television; how close they were to their 40th wedding anniversary when she experienced Marcus’ unexpected death. After the funeral she would go home alone and grieve. She cried for six straight months until God slowly mended her heart.

Even though she said she would never marry again, God eventually arranged to bring a new man into her life, Dr. Doug Weiss. If you are going through some of life’s toughest storms, I hope this program will encourage you to draw close to Jesus and experience His peace and strength for all you are going through.

Then, beginning August 4, Anne Graham Lotz will take us through the book of Revelation. She will lead us through the Apostle John’s glorious eyewitness account of God’s plan for our future. Anne is the author of 11 books, including, “The Vision of His Glory.” This book clearly offers hope for the future and provides reasons for you to fall deeply in love with Jesus.

And then we will end the year with Morgan Jackson, Senior Vice President of Faith Comes By Hearing, who will report on the number of people we are reaching in countries around the world who have no Bible in their language.

So far, you have provided Audio Bibles to reach 17,397,739 people in listening groups in 83 countries, in 253 languages! And half of all these people, or 8.7 million, have accepted Christ as their personal Savior. By Christmas, I hope we can reach up to 19 or 20 million people. The Bible tells us to: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel.” It also tells us to “Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Mark 16:15; Jude 1:3). With every guest, every program we have televised, played on YouTube or at our website, you have made it possible for us to present and defend the Christian faith.

In our world today many are leaving the church because they have not been given the evidence that shows Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and rose again on the third day. They don’t know the reasons why the scientific evidence points to the existence of God. Further, they don’t know how to have their sins forgiven, or to know God personally, or to have assurance that they are going to heaven. That’s why we are losing our younger generation.

For 43 years we have been on TV providing the world with solid answers to their questions. I want to say a big thank you to the many donors who give a monthly gift for us to do so.

Without your support, people worldwide would never have seen Morgan Jackson and learned why Audio Bibles are needed in thousands of languages. They would never have heard our Science programs with Dr. Hugh Ross or Dr. Stephen Meyer; our Philosophy programs with Dr. William Lane Craig; our programs on Historical Evidence with Dr. Gary Habermas; our clear programs on what the gospel is with Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Anne Graham Lotz, and many others.

The apostle Peter tells us, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15). With your continued help that is what we will do.

For those still waiting to hear,
John and Darlene