Did Jesus rise from the dead?

What You’ll Learn:

According to his book, “The Case for Christ,” former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, Lee Strobel, who was a staunch atheist, revealed how he investigated the facts about Jesus’ life. “Well for me the conclusion’s obvious, that what explanation best fits the facts; if you don’t rule out the supernatural at the outset, as a lot of historians do. They say, can’t happen, so I’m ruling it out. If you let the evidence take you wherever it will take you, even to a very uncomfortable conclusion, as I did; I came to a conclusion, the best explanation, Jesus returned from the dead and thus proved He’s the Son of God.” Faith in the resurrected Jesus is not blind faith; it is faith based on the historical facts given by eyewitnesses.

Ankerberg Minute
Ankerberg Minute
The John Ankerberg Show

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