That one thing

What You’ll Learn:

Did you know that 67% of Americans who make New Year Resolutions will make three or more? Unfortunately, the vast majority will fail to keep them. Well instead of a list of changes, choose one. When we focus our energy on one significant change at a time, we find our ability to accomplish the goal much more reasonable. Jesus said, “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower, will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it?” It is unwise to make a goal without a plan. Choose one thing that you most desire to change, create a plan, and ask God to help you move forward toward your God honoring goal. your God honoring goal.

Ankerberg Minute
Ankerberg Minute
The John Ankerberg Show

The Ankerberg Minute airs nearly 700 times daily nationwide and provides quick answers from apologetics expert Dr. John Ankerberg. The Ankerberg Minute will boost your understanding of hundreds of key issues of the Christian faith including your daily Christian walk, the reliability of the Bible and what God is like.