The Uniqueness of the Bible

What You’ll Learn:

Why do you think the Bible is unique? Well in my book, “The Truth about the Reliability of the Bible” I share several reasons. First the Bible is the most translated, purchased, memorized and persecuted book in history. Second, the Bible has withstood 2000 years of intense scrutiny by critics, and not only survived these attacks, but prospered and had its credibility strengthened by such criticism. Third, only the Bible contains detailed prophecies about the coming Savior of the world, prophecies that have proven true in history. These are only three of 20 reasons I’ve discovered. Scripture is unique among all the books of human history and it’s worthy of our attention and application. Take time to read the Bible each day.

Ankerberg Minute
Ankerberg Minute
The John Ankerberg Show

The Ankerberg Minute airs nearly 700 times daily nationwide and provides quick answers from apologetics expert Dr. John Ankerberg. The Ankerberg Minute will boost your understanding of hundreds of key issues of the Christian faith including your daily Christian walk, the reliability of the Bible and what God is like.