September Quarterly Newsletter

This month, we want to say thank you for your prayers and gifts to our ministry and share with you some wonderful news.

Read all about it in this month’s newsletter including:

  • A Letter from John & Darlene Ankerberg

  • Current Series: The New Scientific Evidence that Points to the Existence of God

  • Want to Learn About Other Religions?

  • Prophecy Conference Cruise

  • Coming Soon:  Dr. Jeff Myers President – Summit Ministries

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A Letter for John & Darlene Ankerberg

What a summer it has been! Between wars, weather, and political and economic upheavals in our own country, many of us have been left to cry out, “Oh, Lord, come quickly!” But through it all, we have had the absolute joy of having you stand with our ministry with your prayers, your friendship, and your financial support. We thank God for you!

May I ask you to pray for our ministry? We have so many good TV stations asking us to come on their stations, but it costs! Inflation has cut into the amount of our audience’s gifts. We know food has gone up, electricity has gone up, gas has gone up, home prices have gone up, and airtime on TV stations has gone up.

But we need your help this month to maintain and expand presenting and defending the gospel to you and other people. In the past, someone gave us money so we could go on your TV station—the one where you watch our program.

It would encourage us greatly if you would give a gift of any size to help us present and defend the gospel in other cities. The world needs Jesus. But we need your help to tell them. Pray about this and see how God leads you.

As we move into September, many of us have children or grandchildren who are back in the classroom. Many of them will be taught “the current facts” of science, some of which are true, some false.

The false ones are from secular scientists presenting ideas that leave out any reference to God such as “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

Scientists have no idea how the DNA molecule came into existence “by chance,” nor how the universe is so fine-tuned that life can exist only on earth. That’s why we are bringing you a series of programs with philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer we have entitled, “The New Scientific Evidence that Points to the Existence of God.” Our discussion was based around Dr. Meyer’s bestselling book, “Return of the God Hypothesis.” It explains how new discoveries in our human bodies, the world, and the universe, show that only an all-powerful and highly intelligent God could have created all of this.

In our TV series we will discover that there is very precise calibration in our universe that allows life to exist only here on earth, and we’ll talk about what happens if those parameters change by even a very small amount.

You will want to check the enclosed card and request the DVD series, along with Dr. Meyer’s 521-page book so you can help your child navigate the misinformation they will get in the classroom.

After that series, we’ll tackle the question, “Should Christians Support Israel in Its War with Hamas?” You will hear some compelling information from Dr. Jeff Myers, President of Summit Ministries. Why has anti-Semitism risen at 126 American universities? Is Israel fighting “a just war?” Who is providing huge amounts of money for Hamas propaganda to be distributed to American students to undermine US support for Israel?

An April 2024 poll conducted jointly between Summit Ministries and RMG Research revealed that young adults 18-24 are more than three times as likely as the general population to deny that Israel even has a right to exist. What is happening in our nation that leads to such an attitude?

Jeff Myers visited Israel 103 days after the October 7 slaughter of Israelis. He met with Jews and Arabs, peace activists and soldiers. He will tell us the real story behind some of the reports you hear on the nightly news.

Then, we’ll end the year on a high note as we once again welcome Morgan Jackson to our studio to give you a report on the number of Audio Bibles you have provided and what God is doing in the lives of people in 83 nations because of your gifts. You and the other Ankerberg Show donors, have funded enough Audio Bibles (Proclaimers), so that 17,635,993 people are in listening groups hearing God’s Word weekly, in 253 languages.

Statistically, we are told that about half of those who hear God’s Word coming from the “black box” in their own language are moved to accept God’s gracious gift of salvation. That’s roughly 8.9 million new believers as a result of your gifts—and probably more!

Your gifts for Audio Bibles are winning people to Christ. It’s yet another example of what God says in Isaiah 55:11: “My word that goes out from my mouth… will not return to me empty of the purpose for which I sent it.”

Till the whole world hears,

John and Darlene Ankerberg