
How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity with God

featuring Dr. Erwin Lutzer

About This Week's Series

Many people say they believe in God, yet are uncertain where they will spend eternity. We each seek assurance that God will accept us. In this series “How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity with God,” we discuss the vital teachings the Bible offers on this important topic. Dr. Erwin Lutzer addresses the many inaccurate ways people seek to earn their way to heaven and reviews the assurance that one can have of their eternal destiny.

Young John by Bookcase

Dr. Ankerberg never set out to launch the world’s most-watched Christian apologetics television program...

As a speaker and evangelist, Dr. Ankerberg spoke on university campuses, at churches, conferences, and other events. While speaking at a Youth for Christ summer camp, he was first asked to host a Kansas City Christian television program. Structuring the program with a debate-format, the show quickly caught the attention of other networks. After moving to Chattanooga, Tennessee to serve another media ministry, The John Ankerberg Show was picked up on CBN, a new network that soon expanded nationwide. Within a short time, Dr. Ankerberg’s side project quickly became a full-time ministry in 1980, renting office space and studio time to produce additional programs.

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