A Critical Look at the Baha’i Faith – Part 1

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©1999
In this two-part article we will briefly examine: (1) the Baha’i approach to other religions; (2) the absence of the personal requirements Baha’i demands for the Manifestations; (3) anachronistic Baha’i scriptures; (4) the Miller analysis of the Baha’i faith; (5) moral concerns; (6) some Baha’i errors; and (7) failed prophecy and Baha’i misuse of Christian prophecy.


In this two-part article we will briefly examine: (1) the Baha’i approach to other religions; (2) the absence of the personal requirements Baha’i demands for the Manifestations; (3) anachronistic Baha’i scriptures; (4) the Miller analysis of the Baha’i faith; (5) moral concerns; (6) some Baha’i errors; and (7) failed prophecy and Baha’i misuse of Christian prophecy.


The Baha’i Approach to Other Religions

Udo Schaefer tells us that his rejection of historic Christianity was not based on science (presumably meaning facts) but on his own faith in the truth of Baha’u’llah’s claim that all religions are one. Assuming the truth of this, religions must then contain “no essential contradictions,” “for God does not contradict Himself.”[1] The truth is that every religion in the world conflicts with every other religion.

In his article, “Baha’i-Christian Dialogue” in the Christian Research Journal, Dr. Francis J. Beckwith makes a good point here, which will introduce our discussion of the Baha’i approach to comparative religion:

The fact that the various alleged manifestations of God represented God in contradictory ways implies either that manifestations of God can contradict one another or that God’s own nature is contradictory. If manifestations are allowed to contradict one another, then there is no way to separate false manifestations from true ones or to discover if any of them really speak for the true and living God…. If, on the other hand, God’s own nature is said to be contradictory, that is, that God is both one God and many gods, that God is both able and not able to have a son, personal and impersonal, etc., then the Baha’i concept of God is reduced to meaninglessness. [2]

Consider just several discrepancies between the teachings of the Baha’i World Faith and the teachings of other religions (see chart).

The Teachings of Baha’i World Faith The Teachings of Other Religions
Opposes reincarnation Hindus, Buddhists, others teach reincarnation.
Man is not one essence with God. There is no final mystical merger with God. [3] Hinduism believes man is God inwardly and finally merges with God mystically.
Numerous religious duties in the Aqdas oppose Muslim/Qur’anic beliefs. [4] Islam rejects such religious duties. Muslims view Bahai’s as heretics, hence Bahai’s admittedly keep very low profiles in Islamic nations. As Chouleur notes, “Bahai’s have to make themselves invisible in most Muslim states.” [5]
Monotheistic, unitarian. Buddhism is atheistic (Hinayana) or polytheistic (Mahayana).[6] Christianity is monotheistic and Trinitarian.
Accepts Baha’u’llah as a prophet of God. Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity reject him as a prophet of God.
Continuing prophets. Islam teaches Muhammad was the seal of the prophets and the final prophet.
Islam, etc., perverted divine revelation. “The people of the Qur’an have perverted [misinterpreted] the text of God’s holy Book.” [7] (The same argument is used for other religions.) Orthodox Muslims disagree, as do orthodox members of all non-Baha’i faiths.
Christ has returned as Baha’u’llah. [8] Christians believe Christ has yet to return.

The problem for Baha’i World Faith is clear. How can Baha’is retain credibility for their claim to accept and honor other religions? The only way Baha’is can “successfully” defend their syncretism is through a subjective, mystical approach to other scriptures, or through emphasis on a monistic religious experience to the exclusion of scriptural study, or by attempting to unite all religions merely upon surface or common characteristics (generally vague ideas on love, worship, God and so on).

To illustrate further, there are irresolvable theological problems in attempting this kind of religious syncretism. For example, how can the concepts of God in the “Religious Founders’ Concepts of God” chart ever be reconciled?

Leader God
Krishna Polytheistic; pantheistic; Hinduism ultimately adopts a monistic/impersonal ultimate reality.
Moses Monotheistic, personal.
Zoroaster Dualistic; two supreme beings (one good and one evil).
Confucius Polytheistic; but gods are secondary in importance to ultimate reality.
Buddha A supreme God is irrelevant; the gods are also; modern Buddhism is, variously, polytheistic or humanistic.
Jesus Monotheistic, personal, Trinitarian, God has a Son who reveals God perfectly.
Muhammad Monotheistic, personal, Unitarian, God has no Son.
The Bab/Baha’u’llah Ineffable, unknowable.

Even when we compare Baha’i with just one other religion, Christianity, the problems are still insurmountable.

Finally, putting comparative religion aside for the most part, even Baha’i claims relative to itself are problematic.

The Absence of the Personal Requirements Baha’i Demands for the Manifestations

We even discover irreconcilable difficulties when we examine the alleged attributes of the Manifestations and the denial of the attributes in history by those very Manifestations. For example, the Baha’i faith claims that all the Manifestations fit the following requirements, most of which are given in George Townshend’s Promise of All Ages (1974). These requirements are that the Manifestations will:

  1. Be sinless
  2. Be uneducated, with no status
  3. Fulfill prophecy and foretell their successor
  4. Maintain a very high ethical standard
  5. Bring harmony among men
  6. Have a self-validating truth based on their character

However, even a cursory examination of the Manifestations, whether they number six, eight, nine, ten or fourteen (as they have been numbered throughout Baha’i history) fail to fulfill the above criteria. For example:

  1. Only Jesus was sinless; all other Manifestations admitted to their sin (for example, Adam, Moses, Mohammad, Abraham, Buddha, Confucius, etc.).
  2. Neither Moses nor Confucius were uneducated or without status.
  3. Neither Krishna, Muhammad nor Buddha maintained a particularly high ethical standard in conduct or philosophy. Moses committed murder and Abraham sometimes lacked faith and committed adultery with Hagar.
  4. Jesus foretold no successor; indeed considered sequentially in history none of the Manifestations ever prophesied their specific historic successor. Nor, as claimed, have any of them accepted the teachings of their alleged predecessor, Baha’u’llah included.
  5. None brought true harmony among men, even among their own followers. Jesus specifically prophesied He would bring great division (Matt. 10:34-37).
  6. As a whole, the Manifestations self-validating truth can hardly be based on their character and teachings, when apart from Jesus, they are morally flawed or contradictory.

The simple fact is that the historic manifestations do not qualify as divine manifestations, even according to Baha’i precepts.

Topic Baha’i Christianity
Manifestations: Nine or more non-divine Manifestations of God to date, who accomplish God’s will progressively in larger and larger increments. One (divine) Manifestation who accomplished God’s will and purpose “once for all” (Heb. 9)
God: God is unknowable: monotheistic/Unitarian. God is knowable: monotheistic/trinitarian
Salvation: Salvation is by works and belief in the Manifestations. No repentance from sin or new birth is needed. Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone; repentance from sin and regeneration are vital.
Revelation: Progressive revelation—each Manifestation reveals God more perfectly. The “Word of God” is syncretistic. Perfect (inerrant) and final revelation; Christ alone perfectly revealed God; the Word of God is found in the Bible alone, normally interpreted.
The person and work of Jesus Christ: Denies biblical Christology (Christ is not the monogenes of God; Christ is not God).

Spiritualizes or ignores the atonement

No physical resurrection and second coming. Christ is One with other manifestations

Christ is the monogenes (John 3:16; 18) of God and God incarnate.

Christ’s atonement was the propitiation for the world’s sin.

Christ Himself resurrected physically, and He will return again. He is unique.

Miracles: Rejects the miraculous. Accepts the miraculous.
Morality: Relative. Absolute.
Claim Reality
Not a new religion. A new religion
Independent investigation of truth. Authoritarian.
Tolerant of other religions Intolerant.
Stresses reason. Irrational in its syncretism.
Believes in Christ. Denies Christ.

Anachronistic Baha’i Scripture

The scriptures of the Baha’i faith present serious problems for the faithful who believe in science, reason and progressive revelation. Indeed, in light of the “divine” requirements expressed in the Baha’i Bible, the Most Holy Book (The Al-Kitab-al Aqdas), written by Baha’u’llah, one can but wonder whether Baha’u’llah would look with favor or scorn upon most Baha’is today, for they do not abide by its divinely authoritative teachings. The Aqdas is, as Miller notes, a divine revelation more relevant to the middle ages than to the twenty-first century. For the greater part it comprises a restatement of the Bab’s Bayan, which Baha’u’llah, strangely, forbade others to read.[9] It embodies few of the major principles for which Baha’is are known today.

Anyone who reads the Aqdas will recognize how antiquated it is. Yet this is the Baha’i Bible, the most important text of all. In his will, ‘Abdu’l-Baha declared that to it “everyone must turn,” and this was also a reflection of his father’s sentiment.[10] Indeed, so important is this alleged divine revelation that it is the text upon which the “theocratic” millennium will be based, wherein Baha’is will rule the world. Its provisions “must remain inviolate for no less than a thousand years, and whose system will embrace the entire planet.” [11] In other words, this book will remain binding well into the 29th century.

One can appreciate the dilemma here. Is a “medieval” “scripture” truly authoritative for the next eight or nine centuries, or was Baha’u’llah simply wrong? If the latter, he cannot be a prophet. But if it is authoritative, why do not even Baha’is practice its precepts, as “commanded by God”? For example, “worship for the dead” (emphasis added); intricate inheritance laws (to children 9/42 or 540/2520; to teachers 3/42 or 180/2520 and so on), [12] regulations for daily worship, regulations for fasting, punishments for criminals (the branding of third-offense thieves; payment of $21 for committing adultery; the burning of arsonists; use of capital punishment; required marriage (to one or two wives; Baha’u’llah had three).[13] Do Baha’is wash their hands every day, then their face, then sit facing God and say ninety-five times, “God is most Splendid”?

Yet these are all laws by which Baha’is are to be living. But do Baha’is believe these laws? Do they live by them? If not, why not? Are they not God’s commandments? Can Baha’u’llah be believed in anything if not in all things?

Baha’is respond by claiming that the time “has not yet come” for the laws of the Aqdas to be put into effect. But a reading of the Aqdas indicates that Baha’u’llah expected his people to abide by the Aqdas for at least a thousand years. “Perform the stipulations and ordinances of God. Then keep them as you keep your eyes.”[14] One wonders why Baha’u’llah, the most superior Manifestation of God to date, would write a book containing so many laws and regulations if not to have his people obey them? Of course, if the Baha’i community began following the commands of the Aqdas, it would have to abandon its modern “progressive” reputation. Thus, the fact that Baha’is do not obey the commands of God’s Manifestations would seem to indicate they do not believe that such writings are truly authoritative. Our conclusion must be either that the Aqdas is outdated or that it is not a divine revelation. It would seem difficult for Baha’is to expect others to accept their Bible as divine if the community of believers does not treat it as such.

The Miller Analysis

The Miller text should, if at all possible, be read in its unabridged entirety, as it comprises a devastating and, to our way of thinking, fatal evaluation for the Baha’i community.[15] Miller’s unabridged edition is one of the few places where one can find an unbiased translation of the Aqdas. With our space limitations here, however, we can at best scratch the surface of this text. To begin, Dr. Miller ends his analysis with a relevant criticism of the Baha’i World Faith and its claim to represent a valid religion for the world and its future:

With its lack of clarity in its doctrine of God; with its legalism which characterizes its Most Holy Book; with its prescription in this Book of practices long since outdated; with the inadequacy of its treatment of sin and of its provision for the cure of evil in man; with the vagueness of its teaching about life after death; with the gross failure of its founders to exemplify among their own families the love they so strongly advocated—with these and other defects which are manifest in its history, can the Baha’i World Faith be an adequate religion for the world for today, and for the millennium to come? Only one answer is possible, and that is decidedly negative.[16]

Miller discusses many interesting points, some of which we reproduce in abbreviated fashion and others which were pointed out in the section “Critique of Baha’i History.”

1. The Bab expected to be the true Manifestation for at least 1511 years. Again, this is one reason why not all Bahai’s accepted Baha’u’llah as the next manifestation.[17]The Bab had said that the next prophet would abrogate his laws (as each one is free to do), but if, in retrospect, the Bab was wrong about the next prophet and Baha’u’llah was the legitimate successor, how could he himself be a legitimate prophet?

2. Why has the Bab’s Bayan been kept from the laity? Is it due to the fact that much of it is “of almost inconceivable incomprehensibility”? Or is it because its laws that were not abrogated by Baha’u’llah must then still be in effect and ruling Baha’is find them difficult to believe, let alone implement? [18]

3. Shoghi Effendi (not a prophet but supposedly an infallible interpreter of Baha’u’llah) clearly contradicts the teaching of Baha’u’llah.[19]Also, Baha’u’llah declared that only the prophet had infallibility,[20] so how then did ‘Abdu’l-Baha, Shoghi Effendi and others claim it for themselves? [21]

4. Baha’is, of course, reject Millers’ work. “Anyone who questions the accuracy of the authorized version of Baba-Baha’i history is denounced as an enemy of the Cause of God.”[22]Given this fact, isn’t the Baha’i principle of “independent investigation of truth” then hypocritical? If Baha’is are forbidden to read any translation of the Aqdas by non-Baha’i scholars, if the House of Justice has sole authority to interpret Baha’i scripture, how can the Baha’i member possibly live by his own principles?

5. Miller supplies numerous examples of the moral failure and authoritarianism of Baha’i founders. For example, a quarrel between Baha’u’llah and his brother led to the murder of several people on both sides, and Shoghi Effendi excommunicated his parents and many relatives for disagreeing with his policies.[23] Baha’u’llah’s authoritarianism was evident: [24] “If He declares water to be wine, or heaven to be earth, or light to be fire, it is true and there is no doubt therein; and no one has the right to oppose Him, or to say ‘why’ or ‘wherefore’…. Verily no account shall be demanded of Him for what He shall do….” [25]

6. Miller documents numerous errors by “infallible” Baha’i leaders. Baha’u’llah and ‘Abdu’l-Baha both engaged in exaggeration, inaccuracies and deception.[26] For example, we are told that the name of Moses had not been heard in Iran before the time of Christ. We are told that Baha’u’llah achieved (past tense) the uniting of all religious faiths in the Orient into a brotherhood of love. We are told that he spent forty years in prison, when he didn’t. [27]

In light of the sobering facts that Miller brings to light, only a fraction of which has been presented here, one would think that it would be incumbent for every Baha’i to re-evaluate the validity of Baha’i religion. What genuine evidence exists for the truth of the Baha’i faith? Does its founders’ lives reflect a godliness such as that found in the life of Jesus Christ or the Apostle Paul? True, many of the Baha’i ideals are commendable, but are they divinely inspired? Is their ideal of religious unity based on divine revelation or on religious deception?

We cannot stress enough that Baha’is should become independently acquainted with the other side of their history through Dr. Miller’s analysis. If their own research confirms his conclusions, they should, at the least, act in accordance with their individual conscience.



  1. Udo Schaefer, The Light Shineth in Darkness (Oxford, England: George Ronald, 1973), p. 86.
  2. Christian Research Journal, Winter/Spring, 1989, p. 2, internet copy.
  3. World Order, Spring 1978, p. 51.
  4. Baha’u’llah, The Kitab-i-Aqdas (The Most Holy Book), Elder-Miller, trans. (London: Royal Asiatic Society Oriental Translation Fund, NS, 1961), pp. 24-25, 42, 66, etc.
  5. See “A Look at Islam,” World Order, Spring 1978; cf. Fall 1977, p. 13.
  6. See “Buddhism and the Baha’i Faith,” World Order, Winter 1971-1972.
  7. Baha’u’llah, The Kitab-I-Iqan: The Book of Certitude (Wilmette, IL: Baha’i Publishing Trust, 1974), p. 87.
  8. Cf. “Baha’u’llah to the Christians,” World Order, Winter 1966.
  9. William McLwee Miller, The Baha’i Faith: Its History and Teachings (South Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1974), pp. 142-144.
  10. Ibid., p. 142, citing Baha’u’llah, ed. H. Holley, The Baha’i Scriptures (New York: Brentane’s 1923), pp. 261, 554.
  11. Miller, The Baha’i Faith, p. 142, citing Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By (Baha’i Publishing Trust, 1974), p. 213.
  12. Miller, The Baha’i Faith, Appendix; Aqdas, p. 29.
  13. Ibid., pp. 40-41.
  14. Ibid., p. 63.
  15. The original William Carey Library edition (1974) is currently out of print, although large libraries should carry a copy or an interlibrary loan may be employed.
  16. Miller, The Baha’i Faith, pp. 357-358.
  17. Ibid., pp. 54-55; Aqdas, pp. 71-72n.
  18. Miller, The Baha’i Faith, pp. 49, 159-160.
  19. Ibid., p.345.
  20. Aqdas, p. 345.
  21. Miller, The Baha’i Faith, p. 342.
  22. Ibid., p. 354.
  23. Ibid., pp. 357, 423.
  24. Ibid., p. 140, citing Baha’i Scriptures, pp. 241, 243.
  25. Miller, The Baha’i Faith, p. 140.
  26. Ibid., p. 165-166, 225-231, 333.
  27. Ibid., citing Baha’i Scriptures, 286, 289, 361, 309, 316, 317, 393, 394, 333-336, 351; ‘Abdu’l-Baha, A Traveler’s Narrative (Baha’i Publishing Trust), pp. 156-160.


  1. Talya on October 6, 2015 at 7:28 pm

    Dr. Ankerberg or to whomever is of concern,

    The Baha’i Faith was founded on the idea of peace and the Christ is a manifestation of God and should be treated as such. As a Baha’i we recognize all religions and the ones of all. Saying prayers and readings from many different holy scriptures. We see religion as a chapter book and the Baha’i faith the next chapter God has written though he will wright many more. How do we know God if he created the world and us how can we ever completely know Him.
    I would appreciate in the future if you would refrain from acting negatively towards other religions, for we are all of the same race.
    Please do not take this negatively, use this to improve your site so other people can get an education of the Baha’i faith. I’m not looking to convert you or any of your readers.

    Bless Christ and Bless you

    • Richard on October 16, 2016 at 10:37 pm

      Claiming something is from God when the evidence does not add up only leads people astray to seek salvation without God which is exactly what the Baha’i Faith does. It does not acknowledge the sinfulness of mankind and that we can not earn a relationship with God through good works. It is a false teaching and it does not lead to true unity as it claims. You can not unite such diverse claims about God. There is only one manifestation of God and that is in Jesus Christ. All other such claims are false.

      • Thomas on June 25, 2017 at 3:14 pm

        You don’t specify how the evidence does not add up or how the Faith leads people astray. Moreover many verses of the Baha’i Writings deal with the sinfulness of mankind.

        Many kinds of sins are essentially defined as not doing good works.

        In contrast to Christianity, Islam and other faiths, which had their advent in eras which division within religion was inevitable, God’s covenant in the Baha’i Faith in this present era is historically unique. There have been offshoots and schisms which have violated that covenant, but they’ve all died off or are suffering a slow and steady demise. These historical facts deny your claim that the Faith does not engender unity.

        The diverse claims of different religions are most often the result of dogma or misinterpretation of the original teachings.

        The complete denial of any further divine guidance, which Jesus Himself had promised, negates the very reasonable convictions Baha’is , who were formerly Christians, have that Baha’u’llah is the return of Jesus in the glory of the Father, and perpetuates a forced ignorance of the substance of the Baha’i Writings attesting to this assertion.

  2. Sarah on April 23, 2017 at 10:09 am

    Mr. Ankerberg and others,

    Warmest greetings. Your messages that are printed here on the internet about the faith are respectfully considered a part of a journey seeking to find truth. While Baha’i people do not pretend to know God in all his majesty, the faith unites God’s people in this endeavor. The literal interpretations​ of the Baha’i faith, including its beliefs, principals, practices, central figures, holy writings, and administrative order, are in need of deeper understandings through consultation with the members of the faith, experience, and observation. These practices eliminate bias, prejudice, and misunderstandings when studying any culture or faith. There are many corrections needing to be made on your publication to improve its credibility and I encourage you to seek out the faith and its members to improve its truth. My hope is that you and your website followers are able to achieve a deeper understanding of the faith and improve the quality of your work, not necessary become Baha’i, so that it lovingly respects faith and difference in general.


    • Chris j Johnson on August 1, 2017 at 1:50 pm

      This article was absolutely ignorant and mixed up views of both Christianity and Baha’i, he doesn’t represent either well. I loved the so called “Dr. John” in a fundamentalist (there are currently 38,000 liberal to conservative Christian denominations but Dr. John’s view is “truth”) attempt to “prove” that the Promised One of all religions (including Christians) religion was self-contradictory. Dr. John did so by mechanisms that his own faith would not withstand many of his own religion, the 38,000 varieties with different Bibles (Catholic vs. his preferred Protestant version), translations and of course interpretations. He invites people on his TV show as a set up to try to prove them wrong, which he does poorly and halfheartedly, his ignorance is beyond belief. For example, he harps on Jesus’ words being eternal and not subject to suppression. Yet, he conveniently ignores that the Torah commanded my ancestors to observe the law FOREVER. Now, did forever come to an end when Jesus got nailed to the cross? If he can prove it did, then he is condemned by his own standards for having hypocritically rejected the Blessed Beauty.. here are over 38,000 sects each claiming they represent the correct version of Christian interpretation of the Bible and Christ’s teachings, there is even disagreement among Christians over the bodily resurrection story…

  3. […] must then contain “no essential contradictions,” “for God does not contradict Himself.”[1] The truth is that every religion in the world conflicts with every other […]

  4. Duane Troxel on June 19, 2017 at 4:18 pm

    http://bahaiteachings.org/was-jesus-god “Was Jesus God incarnate?” Not according to Biblical testimony. “No one has seen God at any time” – John 1:18; 1 John 14:12 Christ went so far as to say when asked of His return that He didn’t know when. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” Matt 24:36; Mark13:32 You logically cannot be God and both KNOW and NOT KNOW something in the same moment. Incidentally, which of the more than 30,000 sects of Christianity do you subscribe to?

    • PAUL on March 14, 2023 at 4:21 am

      You have omitted a crucial part of Johns text which actually states the following . “Nobody has seen the Father except he who has come from heaven”. Jesus was talking about himself ..
      Why did you omit that part ???
      As far as Jesus not knowing the time of his return , one must understand that Christ has two natures …Human and Divine. Whilst Christ lived on earth 2000 years ago , his divine nature was veiled under his humanity> Jesus was fully God and Man. Jesus left the Glory of heaven to enter into our humanity. He took on the form of a slave.
      Lastly there are not 30,000 Sects of Christianity … that is a myth

  5. Chris j Johnson on August 1, 2017 at 1:53 pm

    This article was absolutely ignorant and mypotic views of both Christianity and Baha’i, he doesn’t represent either well. I loved the so called “Dr. John” in a fundamentalist (there are currently 38,000 liberal to conservative Christian denominations but Dr. John’s view is “truth”) attempt to “prove” that the Promised One of all religions (including Christians) religion was self-contradictory. Dr. John did so by mechanisms that his own faith would not withstand many of his own religion, the 38,000 varieties with different Bibles (Catholic vs. his preferred Protestant version), translations and of course interpretations. He invites people on his TV show as a set up to try to prove them wrong, which he does poorly and half heartedly, his ignorance is beyond belief. For example, he harps on Jesus’ words being eternal and not subject to suppression. Yet, he conveniently ignores that the Torah commanded my ancestors to observe the law FOREVER. Now, did forever come to an end when Jesus got nailed to the cross? If he can prove it did, then he is condemned by his own standards for having hypocritically rejected the Blessed Beauty.. here are over 38,000 sects each claiming they represent the correct version of Christian interpretation of the Bible and Christ’s teachings, there is even disagreement among thousands of sects on the resurrection story.

  6. Chris j Johnson on August 1, 2017 at 2:00 pm

    Jesus will come back in clouds for every spiritual eye to see. Dr. John is too blind to see Baha’ullah as the return of Christ because he is blinded by the metaphorical clouds of orthodoxy, just like the Jews were when Jesus came the first time. All spiritual eyes will see Christ returned if they get beyond these clouds of traditions and literal interpretation of spiritual scripture.

  7. Joe on August 8, 2017 at 11:01 pm

    Their goofy beliefs seem to match right up to your goofy beliefs, I hereby declare a draw!

  8. Dan on August 18, 2017 at 7:11 pm

    Breaks my heart to see how lost people are. Our enemy, Gods enemy is alive, well and prowling as he devourers those who are w/o Christ. God’s Word…the Holy Spirit and canonized scripture is the Hope for those who are lost. I plead to every saint, every one who knows Christ as their Savior, to share the Hope that is within them to this lost and blind world. People need to HEAR the good new of Christ!

  9. sara on October 28, 2017 at 5:33 am

    This article is reminiscent of the arguments Jews used to denounce Christ at the time of Christ’s manifestation.. and look how many Jews were led astray by it ..even to this day..and never recognised Jesus because of it..

    • PAUL on March 14, 2023 at 4:24 am

      No they aren’t .. That’s not even an argument against the subject at hand

  10. Shahram Berjis on March 11, 2018 at 12:42 pm

    You have mentioned Many things that are NOT correct: Among them:
    You wrote: Baha’i Faith is Intolerant to other religion, that is NOT true. Baha’is are urged to read other scriptures and affiliate with other religion’s with spirit of friendship.
    ANOTHER: Mentioned that Baha’i Faith denies Christ, it is TOTALLY upside down, we do believe in Jesus and all other major manifestations of God.

  11. PAUL on March 14, 2023 at 4:23 am

    I find it rather interesting just how many Bahai’s here have not addressed the contents of the article , but have chosen instead to go on the offensive with garden variety objections and fallacy’s

    Please address the issues at hand

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