Christianity rests solidly on facts you can use to defend your faith against skeptics and people who discredit your faith.

Why Did Jesus Enter Jerusalem on a Donkey?

By Jeff Pallansch | March 16, 2021

Have you ever wondered why Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey? Why didn’t He ride in on a horse? Or why didn’t He simply walk like He does everywhere else in the Gospels?

Paradise: Where Did Jesus Go After His Resurrection Appearances?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs | March 9, 2021

Many emphasize the resurrection of Jesus, but few discuss what happened after His appearances. Where did Jesus go?

Post Resurrection: The Appearances of Jesus

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs | March 9, 2021

Easter only exists if Jesus literally appeared again after His death. The Bible speaks of Jesus dying on the cross on Preparation Day …

The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin

By R. L. Wilson | December 15, 2020

“Let us mark what kind of Being the Redeemer of mankind must needs be, in order to provide eternal redemption for sinners. If no one less than the Eternal God, the Creator and Preserver of all things, could take away the sin of the world, sin must be a far more abominable thing in the sight of God than most men suppose.”[1]

The Genealogies of Jesus

By R. L. Wilson | November 10, 2020

What relevance do the genealogies of Jesus have for believers today? We’ve all done it. We open our Bible to Matthew 1 and settle down to begin our reading plan…

How Does God Use Evil for Good?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs | September 28, 2020

In program 1 of Pandemics, Plagues, and Natural Disasters: What is God Saying to Us? Dr. John Ankerberg interviews Dr. Erwin Lutzer regarding the many ways the Covid-19 crisis has…

I AM the Resurrection

By R. L. Wilson | June 22, 2020

In John 11:25 Jesus makes the statement “I am the resurrection and the life.” Now, I don’t know about you, but there’s something about this statement that has never really…

I Believe, Amen

By R. L. Wilson | May 11, 2020

Having spent nearly a year researching and writing about the Apostles’ Creed, I find myself strangely reluctant to see it come to an end. But end we must, because we…

One Holy, Catholic Church

By JA Show Staff | April 1, 2020

“The church is not where we meet or what we do; it is who we are!”

The Resurrection: Accurately Recorded and Reported

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs | April 1, 2020

Skeptics of the resurrection of Jesus typically attack two key areas: the accurate recording of the New Testament accounts and the accurate reporting of these accounts. In this article, we’ll take a brief look at these two areas to show the evidence strongly supports the traditional beliefs of Christianity.

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